My take tonight:

Amanda Overmyer - Back in the USSR - I was trying to find a couple of notes that were actually on pitch and had a hard time with that. Although she had great energy, I'm sorry, the girl couldn't hit middle "C" if you gave her 25 tries. I can't remember hearing a bar band singer ever do it worse. She has to go...

Kristy Lee Cook - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away - typical Kristy performance being a bit pitchy. Until I heard Amanda's performance, I thought Kristy was the one who needed to go. At this point I think Kristy should stay and Amanda should go. Kristy made a funny comment to Simon about wanting to "blow his socks off" before she realized how that could be interpreted and became embarassed. I actually think the genuine embarassed look enamered her with some votes.

David Archuleta - Long and Winding Road; well, you either like the guy or you don't. I think he did a bang-up job and am absolutely certain he's very safe. He didn't forget any words.

Michael Johns - A Day in the Life. This was a non-memorable performance. He's kind of in the middle of the pack at this point, but I can't see him as "the" idol...not now.

Brooke White - Here Comes the Sun. Dressed in her sunshine yellow dress, I thought she came off Disneyesque and fake. Maybe she wants some of those David A votes? I was glad to see that Simon finally ripped into her tonight for such a mediocre performance. Maybe she'll work harder now....I mean, she's a sweet girl, but she's been playing it pretty safe in her song choices, and I've never been impressed with her vocal ability.

David Cook - Day Tripper. IMHO, he could have practically put that arrangement out as a single. Except for the terrible HEIL "voice box" guitar solo, one of the best 2 or 3 performances of the night.

Carly Smithson - Blackbird. Very unusual arrangement and therefore risky, but I think she pulled it off. I got goose bumps myself. I think she would get more votes if she covered up her tattoo.

David Castro - Michelle. Nice story from him about learning the french words. However, I think it was very predictable: an excellent karaoke version. Simon summed it up when he said that his "face" sold the song, not his voice. I guess the girls really think he's cute.

Syesha Mercado - Yesterday. I heard that this song is the most played and covered song in the history of keeping records of that kind of stuff, so it's always a risky choice. I think she did a very respectable job and had a few good "money notes" in the song that made it memorable. I hope she stays a while.

Chikezie - I've Just Seen A Face. I really like this guy and think he should stay for a while. I don't know if he's idol quality in his vocals, but he's certainly entertaining. He should leave the harmonica at home.

Ramiele Malubay - I Should Have Known Better. This was probably her best performance, but it was still only decent. It didn't blow me away. She was given the best spot and still didn't knock anyone over.

Top 3 tonight:

1. David Cook
2. David Archuleta
3. Carly Smithson

..with Syesha and Chikezie putting in respectable performances as well.

Who will go? Personally, I hope Amanda goes, she is by far the least talented singer at this point, but it still could be Kristy, Syesha, or even Chikezie based on some of the on-line polls I've seen.