Tell ya what...i would hate to be a record producer/engineer recording David A....with his ol "pappy" looking over your shoulder...Well done Perry,you have a bright future ahead of you in this songwriting Game...with or without A.I. ...David C. is by far the best singer (if he takes it in his head)to be,..but lately, he has came across as TOO laid back..or is it just me?seems to have thrown the towel in, a couple of weeks back!..That wee Guy, David know,how can i put it?...i think he will end up, just irritating people,once the novelty has worn off..once he discards the "cuddly pup" syndrome,when you hear his voice it will be a vocal itch that you just want to scratch.imho.he will have the shelf life musical wise,of a block of butter in a microwave....i just cannot see that wee guy "cracking it"...especially with his loving "pappa" hanging around like a bad smell!....David a far better musical bet in the long term,personally i think he will do pretty well...Perry IF i were you,i'd be rattlin his cage to release your song on his album...he is the only possible candidate to do it justice,on the choices you have at the minute (A.I.wise that is)but you never know who may pop out the "long grass" to record it...All The Best.....Terry....