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Everything fell exactly as it should've...Danny was too flippant...his arrogance did him in earlier than if he just sang.
I think it's wide open from here...You never know...I agree with Brian, David A's style of singing everything the same way may wear old as the weeks go by. I love the show.
Skyelab- you are entitled to your opinion, BUT...I am really sick of the people that keep saying AI takes advantage of the contestants. I feel that I have really enjoyed every season, and I have NEVER read anything from any contestant where they felt they were "used" and regretted it. As far as the emotion, if it was not genuine...fake...that would be one thing...But I think there is NO doubt that it is completely real. Some of them maybe need to work on controlling it...but they are young kids...could YOU sing in front of the audience, the cameras, and 30 million viewers??? and remember the words?? and hit all the notes?? and handle the pressure??? If that is boring to you, I can't imagine what is exciting..
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