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I think it's interesting how we see things differently too...
I loved David A's first performances...but I thought last night was so so... I felt..(unlike Simon)..that his start on the piano made him slightly uncomfortable and that's where I think He lost a bit of his confidence. I loved his first vocals but not last night.
I liked David Cooks...and the Aussie, Michael Johns...I also Liked David H's...vocals...and I think there is a very genuine but (shy) likeability with Jason. I liked his performance last night.
Gal wise?..I hope Amanda can stay...but I think she's uncomfortable with all the ....back stage behind the camera goings on. I think she's great when she sings an Amanda song.
Kady?..GRRRRRRRR...I totally agree with Brian there... Her attitude...well her attitude may do her a favor if she sings all songs...where she can use a spoiled brat's attitude.....and let it shine through...
I like the rest of the gals...and I'm not sure who I like best .......still undecided there.
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