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I think Simon said to David Cook, "If this was a talent contest instead of a popularity contest, you might just take the whole thing". If that was the case then the Irish gal with the tattooed arm, Carly, would win it all. Week after week she breaks it open but not always with the right song and she is not particularly attractive. Who was that gal last season that was heads above all the rest but was too quite, too humble, too serious?
Biker girl Amanda and Chikezie were the most fun to watch last night- both big surprises.
I hated Cristy's version of 8 days a week. It is not that great a song anyway. They wrote in like 20 minutes because they had to get a title song for their movie. Like Paul said, she has a huge fan base so she will probably not go yet.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein
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