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HELLO, All You Beautiful People!! Do you like to have fun, be a little silly, and let loose a bit? This Challenge is for you!
With full authorization from Brian Whitney , WE IS NOW GONNA HAVE US A JPF KARAOKE PARTY/OPEN MIC. This thread will be ONGOING, rather than a new numbered topic every week. Drop in or out as you like; open to everyone at any time.
Basic idea: "What would happen if a bunch of JPF'ers got together and hit up a karaoke bar??" I will be your "Party Hostess" and hold a Weekly Party Challenge/Theme for songs. (*Simple rules posted further down.)
So! STARTING MONDAY 12 AM EST.... (Sunday midnight: East Coast Time) This is our first theme:
EDIT SEP 30: OK, "eye am dum" ... it says Sep 31, and there IS NO SEP 31 and none of you peeps called me on this! Sigh... WE WILL RUN THE CITIES CHALLENGE THRU SUN MIDNITE OCT 2nd. I tried to change the graphic.
For anyone who can't SEE the above blinky graphic -- PARTY CHALLENGE #1: CITIES!! Sing ANY song with contains a CITY NAME in the TITLE, ARTIST, or LYRIC. Original or cover songs allowed. SEP 26 - OCT 2
Drop your song link in this format: TITLE: ARTIST: LINK: ~~EMBEDDED PLAYER ~~ ANY INFOpertinent to your entry.
(IE: for this week, if the city name is in the lyric, quote that line, or say "Mentions New York" or whatev.)
*If you ALREADY HAVE a song recorded that fits the theme, cool beans, just post it! and not a lick of work on your end. OK? OK!
Please give BOTH the URL & embedded player/video if you can - it will make listening VERY EASY here. For detailed info on how to EMBED a music or video player, see this topic:
To keep this thread from getting TOO cluttered with individually quoted posts etc, when you have positive comments, we'll use more of a "Twitter format" for this, like so:
@JimJPF -- great vocals! @Linda -- listened, nice job! @JaneJPF -- sweet, good song choice for you!
....rather than extensive quoting of previous posts to address each player. Let's keep things trimmed & tight.
This Challenge will run through the weekend to SUNDAY MIDNIGHT OCT 2 to let us all get started and figured out.
Weekends will normally be "OPEN MIC FREEBIES" -- drop ANY TWO SONG LINKS, COVER or ORIGINAL. I'll announce the next week's Party Challenge at some point over the weekend, to run Mon 12 AM -Fri 9 PM EST (for those of you home Fri nite with nothing to do but hang out at JPF - lol).
Rules: SHORT VERSION. (Long version w/explanations, scroll down the thread a bit) 1.TWO SONG LIMIT PER PERSON PER CHALLENGE PER WEEK. 2. POST songs and comments here in this topic using FORMAT explained above. 3. ONLY POSITIVE FEEDBACK ALLOWED!!! BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER. 4.TRY not to post the SAME recording more than once throughout the thread. 5. STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to use existing Karaoke Online sites to keep it fast and easy. Recommended sites below. SEE the "Party Hotline" thread for asking your how-to questions. DO NOT POST tech questions HERE. 6. LICENSING is your business not ours. 7. NO PRIZES (except, possibly booby prizes), THIS IS NOT A CONTEST, NO WINNERS and NO LOSERS! 8. INSTRUMENTAL play-along is allowed. 9. KEEP YOUR SONG "PUBLIC" until the following Monday when the new Challenge begins. 10. PLEASE TRY to listen to others .
Those of you who know me best - should know that my Challenges may get a little kooky or zany as we go along, but that's sort of the whole point. Laugh! Relax! (what a concept!)
There are many more - if you check out the top link - head out and have fun! see what suits you best, and I do recommend trying to keep this as free as possible! Any other questions?
Well, from what i've seen of songs to pick from to sing about a city, don't see but one or two...so this may leave me out this week...if you see any let me know..thanks glyn
@glyn - don't forget to try anything by Boston or Chicago (bands), but not Kansas which is a state LOL... if you want to rewrite and re-tape the Texas line in your song to say Dallas instead I don't care :-) ... that might be easy to do!
And- other suggestions - don't forget Showtunes like "New York, New York," oldies like "I Left My Heart In San Francisco," or things like Chess: "One Night in Bangkok"... Billy Joel and Simon & Garfunkel mention New York quite a lot too... Bob Dylan and The Eagles tossed city names in their lyrics I'm pretty sure...
Lots of songs mention London or Tokyo or Paris or LA... for some starter suggestions!
.... and you have time to think, and it's OKAY to GOOGLE for songs or lyrics!! (or artists)
You've got till next Monday 12 AM (meaning, Sunday midnight LOL) EST ... and just one song is OK to enter - it's just a max of two - but you don't HAVE to put in two.
Try the REDkaraoke site too and search there... they have WAY more free songs.... search for a popular city name... see what happens!
Be creative! You could even write a new one if you feel like it.
If you have a song ready, you can start posting TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT East-Coast Time!
****ALSO BE CREATIVE**** Keep in mind there may easily be a CITY within the given NAME of an artist -- Jackson, Wilson, Redding, Davis, Buckingham, Springfield, Clearwater, Buffalo, Jefferson, Preston.....
Ok... it's after midnight my time! So, this is the thread to start it off? I hope so! If not, just redirect me!
Title: King Of The Road Artist: Roger Miller Link: http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/r/c3b011256 Player: <object width="357" height="458"><param name="movie" value="http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/e/c3b011256"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/e/c3b011256" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="357" height="458"></embed></object>
City is in the lyric: Third boxcar, midnight train, destination Bangor, Maine.
Enjoy! --Jen
Last edited by Jen Warner; 09/26/1104:02 AM.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.--Mark Twain
Title: The Haircut Song Artist: Ray Stevens Link: http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/r/b67b8c636 Player: <object width="357" height="458"><param name="movie" value="http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/e/b67b8c636"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/e/b67b8c636" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="357" height="458"></embed></object> Mentions Butte, Montana, L.A. & San Francisco
** posting on my mobile browser does not bring up my HTML options, so I will edit this post in the morning to change my settings and fix it. But for the present moment, this is what embed code looks like! On SingSnap and RedKaraoke, it is found just below the URL/link code box.
** offering this one up as an example of allowable one-take through IM-perfection and semi-suckiness. A couple lyrical changes I tried out, to change it for me being a "girl" didn't quite work out! But no worries. I taped this at 2 AM one night and for some unholy reason hadn't deleted it yet, or re-sung a better take. Oh well!!! Phhththtttt! This is what I mean. Don't fret, don't worry, don't let this take up too much of your time!
** also this is a sample that, being NEW, I didn't know I had a "sync vocal with music" button (& it's too late to fix now - on Sing Snap you may only re-mix for 30 days) - I did SING in time to the music, but due to upload speeds, my entire vocal track is "behind" just a twitch.
If you encounter this problem, post in the HOTLINE thread& I can walk you through how to correct it, at least on SingSnap. But as it's a known issue with online karaoke, I would expect most sites should have a "fix sync" button somewhere on their "mixer" page, that will let you slide it + or - in tiny increments until it lines up properly.
SO.... Do try to listen and watch for that!! Happy Singing!!!
Detroit City Bobby Bare <object width="357" height="458"><param name="movie" value="http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/e/a867f34a4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.singsnap.com/karaoke/e/a867f34a4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="357" height="458"></embed></object>
Jen love your hair and glasses, now how did ya get those pretty pictures up on ya'lls songs,...love that...and this is really is fun....love it....you guys are great....
come on ya'll let's sing and PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Urp! I can't edit my post and get to the HTML code Markup thingy either!! hang on I will quote you all below so our players show up... live and learn we're all new at this!!
COLIN!! Gets a booby/bonus prize for being FIRST to successfully embed his player in this thread!!
GLYN - I will post your question, and screenshots w/the answer of how to make SIngSnap Page Pretty in the HOTLINE THREAD shortly
Jen - I will post screenshots of where to find the "HTML Markup" when you are in a new post -- if you have it - you'll know when you see the screenshot. CHECK THE HOTLINE THREAD MOMENTARILY!
***I just realized -- THOSE OF YOU WHO CAN'T GET TO THE HTML MARKUP HERE (there ARE some of you without this option in your browser/OS)... POST YOUR CODE anyway and I can bring it down like this and fix it up for you, like so!!
@Colin - AWESOME JOB.... that was just great! Really enjoyed your cover. Very nice!!
@Jen - Sweet! Loved the Marley hair and glasses, and you had me snapping along the whole way!
@glyn - Hey girl, YOU CAN SING more than you think you can, you got FEEL and your pitch is terrific! Now get on cam. LOL! the spoken part is great too.
APPLAUSE to everyone!! Keep 'em coming!! Are you all having fun? YES? YES!
Well the "player" thingie sure didn't come out as fancy as it did when I did it on Soundclick. Go figure. Thanks, Linda.
EDIT: - one problem Joe - you forgot to turn off AUTOPLAY - it's gonna start going every time anyone loads or re-loads this page. I'll go grab your code and get it turned to "off." BRB!
EDIT 2: Fixed :-) PLEASE REMEMBER - on code copy from SOUNDCLICK - to turn OFF AUTOPLAY and check "User has to Click Start Button."
Gotta remember to switch out the MARKUP to "using HTML and UBBCode" when you make your New Post. Instructions in the Hotline Thread!! Listening now....
@Joe -- this is hysterical -- way to get folks to church!! "strip yourself free from sin" ... hahahhaha GREAT STUFF...!!! {{snarky snark}} sad thing is it may work.... lol
Scary thing is that song is *the* one that has been popular absolutely everywhere I've played it. Never fails the audience is singing along by the last chorus. (And it is always "heavenly.")
Well we are pretty slow here so I'll post my second one...
Don't forget - you can post two!!
If it stays kinda slow but folks are "getting" how to post up the songs ok I may open it up to "Open Mic" Freebie Weekend after all... and maybe even early!!
ALSO if you're not "playing" /posting ... feel free to listen along if you like but remember... BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER... positive commentary only!
Just gotta change that "MARKUP" setting to "using HTML and UBB Code" -- see the Widget thread on the MP3 board for good screen shots OK? but this works, I'll pull it down as long as you put the code in!
@Glyn - Lovin it!!!! you sound great with the Blues Brothers! Your timing is dead on and expression is terrific, nice and bluesy! YEAH! Way to rock it sister!!
here's a tiny screen shot - I don't want to do too much of this in this thread... but just for a peek of what you're looking to change from the default when you post --
If you look there and YOUR options don't include an HTML (some don't have it!) then just do as you've been doing - leave your code and I will bring it down for you on my end thanks!
Just posting the "Long Version" of the Party Rules here... short version up at the top. Retaining this here for clarity
2. POST your song links/players and any comments for others here in this topic using the above-defined FORMAT.
3. ONLY POSITIVE FEEDBACK ALLOWED!!! BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER. This is the big one and I'll hold you all to it. Critique is for the MP3/Video & Lyric forums. Here - we are dropping it. IE: Here, you are allowed to suck. And that's all right. Your song entry is allowed to be a little sloshed.If we really were at a karaoke bar, I would be your designated driver and some of you would be a little tipsy, and we all know it, so if your song doesn't come out perfect here, who cares? Just sing to have fun! It's a PARTY! Parties should be Happy Places where we are all having a GOOD TIME. Silliness and sense of humor encouraged!
4. As we go along throughout the weeks, TRY not to post the SAME recording more than once. At least re-mix it or add a harmony or something if the song fits another week's challenge. Just.. eh, let's not be all boring and stuff. Ya know?
5. STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to use existing Karaoke Online sites to keep this super-fast and simple, so you can sing your song and post it up in 15 min or less, then get back to your serious Musical Work and Business. ***NOTE!!*** I will post a list of recommended sites below, AND create a SEPARATE "Party Hotline" thread for helping you get used to, and work out any, tech issues in how these sites run and how to get started up with it if this is all-new territory for you. DO NOT POST your tech "how do I...?" questions HERE. (Or if you do, I'll move it over to the Hotline. Answering all that here will just clutter up this Party Thread.) MOST of these are FREE, though they do offer subscriptions; I don't want anyone to feel any pressure to pay any of these sites however. Most have many FREE songs to choose from. *If you have any trouble finding a Free Song that suits the Challenge, PM me or post in the Hotline Thread and I'll figure something out.
6. LICENSING, as always at JPF, is your responsibility. The Online Karaoke sites take care of this for you, which is why I so strongly recommend them. Plus they're easy.
7. NO PRIZES (except, possibly booby prizes), THIS IS NOT A CONTEST, NO WINNERS and NO LOSERS! Party-goers just get to feel all happy and stuff. And have fun. So... work hard if you want to develop a brand-new demo from scratch for a Challenge, but really -- you're not going to be recognized for all that Extra Mile in here. Give it a little or a lot. Mix, audio quality, pitch/timing, tape hiss etc.... none of that's gonna matter here, and I *don't* want this to cut into our serious time much.
8. INSTRUMENTAL play-along is allowed, if you really really don't or won't sing or prefer to play your Les Paul Custom, kazoo, washboard, saw, harp, viola, jazz flute, whatever. It's all good!
9. YOUR SONG MUST REMAIN SET TO "PUBLIC" and available to all to hear until the following Monday when the new Challenge begins. After that you can trash it, but not before!
10. PLEASE TRY to listen to others as your own time allows.
Hi, Y'all!! Thought I'd post my second one for the week, too! This is so fun, and yes, I've been doing a good bit of the karaoke.. I am having singing withdrawals, since my brothers are working out new music, and don't need me for practice yet!
Yeah, I love Mike's song too.... it should be a hit!!!
Well I changed the description to "OpenMic/Karaoke" so ... depending on the challenge of the week - when it's generic like Cities or other themes rather than say "Classic Rock Artists" etc.... open mic originals are awesome to post!!
I'm guessing we've had all the players who were gonna play this week for a "CITIES" song .... so... as of NOW...
this thread is now at OPEN MIC FREEBIE WEEKEND...
Please go like this:
TITLE ARTIST LINK EMBED PLAYER (if you can find the code)
ALSO since we are just starting out, you MAY STILL POST A CITY SONG if you were gonna and haven't done it yet. NEXT WEEK: the Weekly Challenge will END at 7 PM EST. (you can still post a song that suits that challenge over the weekend, but it will count as one of your freebies - make sense??)
IE -- if you already posted 2 CITY SONGS and fulfilled the Challenge for the week - you're free to post 2 more, if you want.
@Jen - your Heart of Gold was just brilliant! wow!! and I love that profile pic you have up for SingSnap -- gorgeous!
...and I have to say this -- {{{hopping up and down}}} I JUST FOUND QUEEN on http://www.redkaraoke.com .... 112 SONGS... and most FREE.... oh my, I had better figure out a Windows machine.... sigh -- so I can record some!! {{happiness!!}} Linda
We would like to keep the membership in Just Plain Folks FREE! Your donation helps support the many programs we offer including Road Trips and the Music Awards.
"Do not endeavor to be the smartest kid in a dumb class. Instead, you are better off being the dumbest kid in the smartest class, where you will be challenged and you will learn. If you aren't growing, you are dying." -Brian Austin Whitney