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Did anyone notice that unlike just about every other contestant that got voted off, Jason was smiling and HAPPY when singing his swan song? He actually did a much better job than the previous night (I Shot the Sheriff). I think the guy wanted to go home and Simon had it right when he told him he didn't seem to care enough about the contest.
Of the last three, I really don't think it makes any difference who gets the "crown". There have been successful people out of the top 5 just about every year. I'm 99.999% certain the finale will be the battle of the Davids. NOT winning might actually be a career advantage since the runner up may get a record deal with a little more choice in the material selected than the AI winner.
The judges are really propping David A since they haven't tried to market a teenie-bopper idol that I recall. Jordin is young, but not necessarily being marketed to the 10-15 year-olds as David A could be. Hey, if Miley can sell to that age group, they're probably figuring he can, too.
Brian, I think you're right in that the judges don't want Syesha to win. She's a good singer, but not particularly unique or original as an "artist". As you mention, AI and 19 Entertainment have not had a very successful run with R&B singers. I think she'll do fine in musical theatre or even as a TV or movie actress.
I thought David A took WAY too many liberties with the melody on Love Me Tender, and was too "pat" on Stand By Me. His melodic embellishments are getting a bit repetitive and predictable at this point.
I found it interesting that Ryan mentioned that out of 51 million votes, there were only about a million votes separating each of the top three. That means that as the lowest vote-getter, Jason, got the boot but good. I think the guy is an airhead myself. He needs to figure out if this is really what he wants or whether he should flip burgers for a while. If he becomes successful in music (as in having a song on the Billboard chart), I will be quite amazed.
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"Do not endeavor to be the smartest kid in a dumb class. Instead, you are better off being the dumbest kid in the smartest class, where you will be challenged and you will learn. If you aren't growing, you are dying." -Brian Austin Whitney