Hi Ande

Thanks for all your advice, I honestly really get it now hey. I'm now a VICTOR not a VICTIM, and can actually see that I won't be going into another abusive relationship ever again. I don't deserve not to be Loved, and I hope one day I do find the right man who will love me as much as I'd love him.

I have grown in myself a lot, and yes you are right, Harsh Lessons, I've learnt a lot on the way, they are so damn good at conning yah, but not this Aussie woman cause I can actually see it now, and I straight away remove myself from those types of people.

Ande, I used one of the 1-8 Chorus examples with Ms Perfect, grin and I was wondering would you mind showing me in a 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 of were the Hook should be in a chorus, as I'm currently working on a new song idea, and would appreciate your help.

As to finding an affordable producer, I have found him, Rodney is excellent, talented, and his fee's are very reasonable. smile

I noticed the views on your songwriting tips, Wow Ande. One day I hope one of my songs will get that many views. laugh

Thanks Michele

Last edited by Michele Howlett; 01/22/14 02:16 AM.