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by ckiphen - 09/17/24 09:45 AM
by Gary E. Andrews - 09/12/24 09:36 AM
Joined: Aug 2006
Posts: 781
Top 500 Poster
Top 500 Poster
Joined: Aug 2006
Posts: 781 |
Yes, more sage advice "Write something that doesn't suck" Can't say it better than that! I agree experience is the best teacher... Writing up, comes to mind here, If you can find someone to write with that's way more advanced than you, then you are doing yourself a great service. If you've got some talent, someone somewhere will be willing to collaborate with you, but it can take a bit of time. I think that's one of the many frustrations of some of the members on these kind of boards. Finding that perfect partner that will compliment your skill-set. When you arrived in Nashville and secured your first cut, did you co-write the song with Shelby Lynn? How did that come about, did you know common people? as always, thanks for indulging.-Dana
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