Hi Brian,

Forgive my absence. I think the lyric writing tips stand up, MAB is well versed on what it takes & has plenty to add. The music biz is a paradox, opportunity is wide open but it might be more challenging than ever to make a descent from just music.

There’s one book called
“Do What You Love and The Money Will Follow.”

There’s another called
“Should I Do What I love or Do what I Do so I can do what I love on the Side?”

This is the path I’ve chosen. There’s some careers where you can be exceptional and still barely eek out a living and there’s other careers where you can be average and do well.

MAB can probably tell you Nashville ain’t what it used to be, but it’s still possible to get cuts.

Ande Rasmus sen
Ande R a s m u s s e n@aol.com
Ande R a s m u s s e n.com

Texas Grammy Gov 06-08

Editor Of "Inspirations for Songwriters"
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