We can even learn from badly written songs , just a thought

I wonder how many Learning song writers , study what is known as The Vowel Triangle

I found it years ago in a book written by a well known Berklee Professor who's name escapes me

at this time ,

I just remembered his name it is Patt Pattison he also does some handy you tube talks on the art

Another You Tube Must for us all is Leonard Bernstein

Oh and I dont know why many J P F writers look on Nashville as the Be all and End all of

getting cuts , there are so many other outlets in the world try looking at the Big Picture I would say

Last edited by MATT STONEHAM; 11/12/17 04:17 AM. Reason: spelling and additional after thoughts

Without the right music your clever lyrics will never be heard, if you want success be prepared to re write many times and even change the meter you chose originally