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by ckiphen - 09/17/24 09:45 AM
by Gary E. Andrews - 09/12/24 09:36 AM
Joined: Mar 2006
Posts: 1,413
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Top 200 Poster
Joined: Mar 2006
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It's good and all for you that the song is getting good attention That should not be your argument though
I wish everybody would look at this as just a lyric Just forget all of the music and good singing Maybe look away from all of the good reviews you've been getting
Send It out for a review to a song critique from a professional Or a music website and see what they say about the lyric
Like I previously mentioned there is nothing NEW in this lyric You even use some weird wording to try and fit in a rhyme Does anyone talk like that anymore, are they the average person?
You said you felt for me A love that would always be
A bridge that doesn't move the story / says what the chorus does
And all the verses lack any real originality
It's mediocrity at best and people still really like It Honestly I'd be embarrassed to have my name beside that song But you must be doing something right
Last edited by airun; 09/21/07 01:44 AM.
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