I just had ankle surgery... and, despite the fact that I'm not supposed to take steroids because of my retinopathy, the Dr gave me a shot anyway. Then my blood sugar went through the roof!

This got me to thinking, so I did a little research...

Then I remembered, 8th grade girls being so proud of their bra size in 1980...

Then, diabetes is declared an epidemic in 1994...

On a side note...

So... Government patents and controls the bioengineering of livestock/produce for the sake of profits... then big pharma makes a killing medicating the variously afflicted general population. That's not to mention, all the hundreds of millions spent on advertising food and medication, while farmers are still the hardest working but poorest people on the planet... unless they work for the government.

Hmmmm... I wonder what "The Rich" are having for dinner...?