Hi Everyone. Looks like a great sight and I am looking forward to giving and receiving feedback and advice on my (our) musical journey(s).

I have been a musician all my life (and truly "just a plain folk), but never "pursued" it for several reasons which I will not bore you with. 2014 however, lit a fire in my mind and fingers, and I have been on a rampage, writing more than 50 songs this year. I released my first single ever on October 31st. It is titled "Funk Monster" and it is live on Amazon.com, iTunes and several other retailers in digital format only. I am very proud of this number, but am always open to advice/constructive criticism, so have at it if you listen to in the mp3 section of this site or my soundcloud or youtube, etc.

The band name is Da' Mutta' Funka's and please pardon my attempts to remain anonymous on this endeavor. Reason I am trying to remain "unknown" (at least my personal information) is because I have a couple of other genre's I write in other than Funk (which is what Da' Mutta' Funka's is all about) and when I publish/produce something in those other genre's, I don't want this Funk trail to follow me there (positively or negatively).

As you may be able to tell by now, I can be a bit long winded. I am going to head over to the MP3 section and post a link to this song for review and/or your listening pleasure ;~)))

Hope you like and looking forward to the interactions.

~May Da' Funk B Wit U~
Oogie Boogie