Found this site after Googling the John Lennon songwriting contest to see if it’s legit. An acquaintance entered a song and wanted it voted on, as I remember and after that, we’ve been getting emails about the contest for about two years.

Got a 12 string Alvarez for my 18th birthday and a friend taught me to play some chords. I started almost from the start making up songs. A few were instrumental base runs turned into longer tunes. I used these to help tune it. Friend with guitar worked at a newspaper and we were invited to a fairly well-known songwriter’s house by the entertainment columnist. She started putting words to one of my instrumentals I don’t know why but it was her thing to just create I guess. Anyway, long story short, I got drafted and that was it for music.

Wrote a community column for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for about five years and that was fun. Retired now and reading lyrics here and listening to songs. Great site and I’m enjoying it. Thx.