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I'm JD from Essex UK. I joined JPF quite some time ago. I'll be honest and explain why I have not been active on here. Originally I really wanted to give my opinion on songs by artists on here on the MP3 section but I struggled to give my opinion because predominantly the music on here is quite folky/country and just not something I could get inspired by or give feedback on as growing up in UK folk/country was not something I ever really heard unless I visited my father who loves the stuff! Seems a little shallow and perhaps it was but my heart wasn't in it so I faded away...
But anyway, a couple of years on and I haven't found a better community than this appears to be, so I am back and I will open my ears to your music and get in on general posts and hope to be a positive member.
A little about me as it has been a while.
I've been enjoying music since I was 16 when I started to learn the guitar. I must have been destined to love music as at 18 a girl a met online in New York who told me I had a nice voice so I started singing lessons. I wanted to become famous like everyone else but I think looking back now, fear and knowledge held me back in my younger days and I did not achieve what I wanted. Having recently realised that perhaps my singing famously days are far less likely now, I came to the realisation that had I not learnt how to sing I may not have ever become a songwriter. This thought empowered me as if to say, 'don't worry James, singing was a vehicle but your songwriting is the key'. Realising that was a massive boost to me and ironically my friend and I are now going to release an album of our old work. Things is I now do that without any fear because songwriting is my primary goal now.
I'm now 31 lol age creeps quickly. But in that time I have learnt so much and invested my time wisely I feel. Since I was 21 I have been co-writing with a now good friend of mine named Tim. We have a real good musical connection and balance of abilities and we feel after 10 long years we are finally writing tracks and recording tracks that are getting closer to hit making. We feel right on the edge of something, something real good. It's a nice feeling but we need to make it happen now. That is part of why I am here. To add the extra piece. I feel there is much still to learn and being in a community like this can help me. I have already had some good advice about digital distribution and PRO's so hopefully I can return the favour to members on the board.
I look forward to speaking to you all.
For a taste of some of our older music please see my links below. I will be submitting some MP3's in future for feedback.
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"Do not endeavor to be the smartest kid in a dumb class. Instead, you are better off being the dumbest kid in the smartest class, where you will be challenged and you will learn. If you aren't growing, you are dying." -Brian Austin Whitney