Hi! I'm Kathi Cameron. I'm not so good with computers, but been playing and writing music for over 40 years. I played guitar first, then studied percussion in college, taught band/choir,classroom music for over 35 years until "forced" into early retirement 3 years ago (district shut down my middle school and me with it). I have played with community orchestras/bands, civil war era brass band, and an old timey string band (I play dulcimer)
I fell in love with the Native American flute about 5 years ago and now that is my passion for music performance and writing. I have performed at flute festivals in NoCa and OR. The native cultures have always been a part of my life ; with my own ancestry, teaching on a reservation and taking native studies courses. It just seemed to make sense that when looking for a new home I settled here in north central Idaho within the Nez Perce reservation.
I have already met JPF people even though I have had log -in and other computer tech. issues (my fault.
I hope to meet many more!