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Y'all, I can't believe it's been TEN YEARS since I logged in. Okay... I can. A LOT happened and began a whirlwind in my life in 2010. So much has changed!
My name (Bree has always been a nickname, Bridgette is my given name. I've gone back to that and my maiden name ~ O'Hare) My marital status (hence the last name change). My location. My occupation. My attitude...well, just a little. I'm still a snarky firecracker.
I can't wait to see who's still here encouraging and offering awesome advice!
Looking forward to reconnecting and maybe even writing a lyric or two.
The ideal poet has a genius for making the things we see every day seem new. ~ Samuel Johnson
I write because I breathe, I breathe because I write. ~ Me
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