Hi folks.

My name is Rob Ash. I'm a retired former professional illustrator/designer who's been a musician for more than 30 years. I did an almost 4 year run in the mid to late 80's making a living in a circuit metal band. I mostly consider myself a serious amateur musician. Everything I know is self taught. so keep it light on the theory if we chat...:)

I'm here to hopefully form new collaborations and to get my stuff critiqued. I'm a member of several other sites where you can get your music critiqued, and I always comment on other people's songs on about a 5 or 6 to 1 ratio when I post on of mine. I don;t have an ego problem, and take criticism very well. Praise is nice, but serious, thoughtful comments on my songs means much more to me. I try to offer the same when I comment on the work of others.

Glad to be here, and I hope my experiences here are as positive and helpful as they have been on similar sites.

http://www.reverbnation.com/robash1962 ...listen to a song or two and then become a fan!