Originally Posted by Brian Austin Whitney
I want to make sure that we give attention to artist/musician stuff as much as songwriter stuff. There's tons of resources for songwriters and for finished recordings.. but what about artists trying to develop their career? I've always felt JPF did more to help artists than anyone else out there. Most orgs. are songwriter focused. Though we obviously do mostly songwriter stuff on the message boards, the rest of the org activities (newsletter, roadtrips, chapters, music awards) have an artist support tilt to them.

Yes, I see what you mean.
In other words we want to offer resources that will help career potential artists get into "1st gear" and beyond, all the way up to cruising speed! wink

Several of our categories already address these needs, such as:

Booking Assistance (Sonic Bids and other agencies)
Digital Distribution (e.g. IODA for indie record labels)
Independent A&R (i.e Taxi, etc.)
Music Demo Services (e.g. Session Players can help bring income opportunities to performers or help artists finish a new recording project, etc.)
Music Licensing Sites (Pump Audio, etc.)
Music Marketing Resources (Bob Baker, Indie Bible)
Music News & Press (can help artists get affordable publicity)
Music Promotion Sites (General artist/band promotion)
Musician Website Hosting (shop around for the best service deals)

I was thinking of suggesting an "indie friendly" Record Labels category. For example, Bad Man Records (label) is very indie friendly and does some networking with CD Baby and was recently featured on one of their podcasts.

A few of our JPF members are also signed with Magnatune which gives them tons of free exposure and licensing income opportunities.

Maybe we can come up with a good list of indie labels that are trustworthy and receptive towards new "career building" acts and talent.

Another good category might be Music Publishers. Again, these would have to be indie friendly or maybe just a list of resources that can help career-minded songwriters learn how to effectively publish their own music. Most start with only a few of their own songs and later grow by adding on new material from co-writers and other project contacts, etc.

So those are my new proposed categories with a "career tilt":
Record Labels and Music Publishers. Any other categories that might help the serious career-minded artists?


There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself. -- Johann Sebastian Bach
