Hi Brian,

Here's some key sites I think people would find useful
in no particular order.

Facebook.com - A social networking site growing exponentially daily (250,000 sign ups
per day). Could be used asuseful tool to communicate with fans.

MusicSubmit.com - A place to distribute music that
I've been watching for a couple years. Haven't done
any tests with it yet though. (not sure if this is the
same thing your referring to above "Music Promotion Sites
(Music Submit)")

MusicIndustryHosting.com - A place that offers hosting
geared to musicians and is run by the same person as the link below.

MusicMarketingtips.com - Lots of information on marketing

Musicbizacademy.com - All kinds of great info. Also
sells the book "How to Promote Your Music Successfully on the Internet"

IndieBible.com/intro.shtml - Haven't read it but heard lots of good things about it.

Aweber.com - One of the best hosted mailing list
services. Very useful for building a list of fan emails for
when you want to announce news about upcoming
events/releases etc.

- A good self-hosted mailing list script as
an alternative to using a mailing list service like the
one above.

P.S. Great forum, looks like lots of interesting people and
information here.

