Originally Posted by Kaley Willow
Howdi,..... smile
I know this is more a songwriter category suggestion, but should we list those folks who help writers on an individual basis? i.e., Harriet Schock, John Braheny, Barbara Cloyd, Jason Blume?
and their web sites?


Are we interested in listing demo studios at various price ranges?

Some more good ideas, thanks!

"Songwriter Coaches" might work as a category title for individual (personalized) coaching. If Brian approves, I'm sure we could add this resource category.

Currently we have "Demo Services", but we could change it to "Demo Services & Studios" and see how long the list gets. Later we can cross reference details such as price ranges if needed.

What do you think Brian?

There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself. -- Johann Sebastian Bach
