Originally Posted by Kaley Willow
Glad to help....brainstorming a bit....

Just some thoughts......

Do we want anything like an Insurance Category. I know there's
several Insurance Companies that cater to Musicians?.....

what about the Grammy Organization....I believe that the organization itself is a lot more than the Awards....

what about tipsheets?.....
and newsletters?....
Music Consultants?

How about...Audio-Visual Media Tip Sheets (hadn't heard of that one before....but they're out there...and they tell you who needs music...what they need and how to get to them.....

http://www.mandy.com , then look under post production / composers

looking for composers

http://www.thescl.com (The Society of Composers and Lyricists)

This is fun.!!!....Needed a diversion from what I was working on .....

best y'all

Piano Melodies and Demos:
Children Songs:
Wyman and Kaley's Andy & Friends CD

I just added some of your suggestions and here's some input on the rest:

Audio-Visual Media
- I'm not opposed, but let's get Brian's input first. He'll know best how this may (or may not) fit with his overall vision for this resource listing project.

Grammy Organization - Again, let's see what Brian has in mind. Perhaps it might conflict with the JPF song awards, but if not, perhaps Brian would like to list this under our current "Songwriter Association Networks" or other (appropriate) category.

Insurance Category - Sounds Ok to me. This might be useful to full-time or touring musicians. Let's see what Brian says.

Music Consultants - these can be listed under Music Marketing Resources.

Newsletters - these can be listed under the Miscellaneous (books, newsletters, magazines, etc.) category.
Note: I justed added "newsletters" as an item that goes along with the Miscellaneous category.

Tipsheets - these can be listed under the Music Marketing Resources category.

Society of Composers and Lyricist - Thanks! This has just been added to the Songwriter Association Networks category.


There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself. -- Johann Sebastian Bach
