We are going to address the delete issue. We know its important. Won't get into all the reasons we aren't comparable with those other sites in terms of that functionality, but suffice to say, it's something we plan on addressing.
Originally Posted by Andy K
All the other sites I've posted music or videos on (Soundclick, MySpace, Songramp, etc.) I've been able to delete or update material myself. If the material was being rated or scored, the update would start from scratch (or zero, score for previous version not counting for new version) on most sites, which seems right. This is the first time I've had to request that the site creators remove old material. This seems kind of primitive.

I haven't received a message from the artist who was spamming me the most. I must have stumbled on a switch to turn him off, assuming OurStage management didn't ban him or something similar.