This week's AI provided some great performances.
There were however three contestants who distinguished
themselves from the rest – but not in a positive way.
Although I couldn't pick a winner, the bottom three were
obvious – despite the judge's attempt to color coat the
performances of those contestants.

Jacob L. Excellent song choice, flawless delivery.
Haley R. Heeding the judge's advice should not
give one a free pass on the performance. She
overdoes the growls. I'm just expecting her to break out
a tiger or leopard print outfit. My wife questioned whether
she messed up some words. Her ending was weak
when compared to her competition.
Casey A. What he lacks in vocal ability, he makes up
in his creative arrangements and actually surpasses the
competition in overall entertainment value.
Lauren A. She's back on track and competing with Pia.
James D. My wife is an extreme Beatles fan. Her favorite
Beatles are Paul and George. She was very skeptical when
she heard what song James choose – expecting the worse.
James came through with one of his best performances.
Pia. Uptempo, Ballad, Whatever, Miss Perfect delivers.
Scotty Mc He ain't nothing but a hound dog – that can
Stefano JLo's gushing over this guy is starting to get annoying.
He's good. But his disconnecting habits are still there and the
judges aren't calling it.
Paul Mc. What can I say? He sang Folsom Prison with the
demeanor of Boy Named Sue. Johnny Cash sang a remorseful
lyric that made us believe. When an artist doesn't capture the
emotion of the song, it's basically a failure. Not one judge had
the guts to end what was a night of high level performances with
a critique of this obvious flaw. Can you say “Credibility”?

Bottom 3: Haley, Stefano, Paul. These are probably the next
three to go anyway – unless one of the other contestants really
blows a performance. But then the judges probably won't call
it anyway. Goodbye this week to Paul.