I'm on MySpace:


Look forward to meeting many of you and exchanging friends' invites.



PS: Please let friends in the Cleveland area know about our gigs at Nighttown, Cleveland Heights, 8/20/08, 7-10pm, and in the Albany area, Macy's Colonie Center's charity event (http://www.shopatcoloniecenter.com/) w/ Joe Tranchina on piano, Albany, Sat., 9/20/08, 1-3pm.

As always, I appreciate you letting folks in your orbit know since we don't have a "home-town advantage" and can use help getting out the word.

Elli Fordyce


Catch 2 Cool interview podCasts from Mon. 7/28 at www.vincetracy.com/elliefordyce.html and from Thurs., 7/31 at http://www.wvud.org/podcast/Interviews/Elli_Fordyce.mp3

http://www.cdbaby.com/ellifordyce (CD)
http://www.sonicbids.com/ellifordyce (EPK)
http://www.ellifordyce.net (Temporary site)

http://amiestreet.com/search?type=ALL&query=Elli+fordyce (Free D/L)

If you enjoy them, please feel free to forward any of these links