Originally Posted by Lorelei Loveridge
I'm really curious as to whether you guys accept anybody who requests to be your friend, or if you pick and choose according to genre, quality, etc.

Care to share?


I pretty much accept anyone who asks to be my friend provided that they are not going to do something vulgar. I accepted someone once who went on this sexual tirade and I had to delete him. He wasn't a musician though. On my site, I have every type of genre almost. I keep a very open mind and I strive to communicate with every artist who wants to be a friend. I also try to listen to every artist who asks to be my friend as well. Sometimes that gets a bit difficult but I just keep a running list and listen to them when I can. I always comment positively with something I like about their music. Everyone has their own thing and bag. I try to always respect that. Hope that answers your question.