HiDee Favorite Doc!

Sure, I'll happily listen! (& I'm pretty sure at least ONE of the 30 Artists ya got signed to Your Label CAN actually LIVE out that Success Story that's in the Slumdog Movie...just takes Talent/Perseverance/Luck, too!)

As ya already know, I think, I'm best at writing "3-Minute-Movies."
(Real Short Attention-Span..heh!) IF I ever get the time..& knowhow..I would like to pen a Screenplay for the Bio of Nikola Tesla..Inventor of Radio..AC Motors..A Particle Beam "Death Ray" Gun..& Light Shows..to name just a Few of His Inventions, most of which Other Folks..like Marconi..have taken credit for.

He "forgave" George Westinghouse a $5 Mil Royalty-Owed (Back in the 1920's!) to help out a friend-in-need...& died near-peniless in NYC, feeding the pigeons in the park.

WAS a Handsome Bon-Vivant..never-married..(Main Babe's reportedly His Best Chum's Wife)..&..he was an Immigrant..who came to the U.S. specifically to get Hired by Thomas Edison. An early Clash-of-Egos led to him quitting...diggin' ditches a while..before Westinghouse hired him. One of Edison's Stipulations to The Smithsonian was that Tesla's Inventions NOT be included there..so I think ya gotta travel to Serbia to see "The Tesla Museum" nowadays. T's quite A Good Story..& even 2 Hours Screen Time won't really TOO-Thoroughly Cover His VERY-Interesting Life. (FBI reportedly confiscated ALL his Files from his Appartment upon his death. Some are STILL "Top Secret" to this day.)

Only 2 Books ever-published on his life story...so he's easy to bone-up on. I mention alla this because I DON'T know if I'll ever have time to DO this Project...& Somebody OUGHTA!

OK, Amigo...I told ya Mine...Lemmie hear Yours!

Best Wishes & a Big Guy-Hug,

Last edited by "TampaStan" Good; 02/24/09 02:58 PM.