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Fdem, what are you doing here? You are ruining the MP3 section of this website. 28 dot “.” entries where you should be posting songs. 28! No MP3s we can listen to. Other people would like to showcase their songs here and their songs get lost between all your dots. You write “poof”. If you ask me it’s more like “poop”, not “poof”. Somebody here should put an end to this. I have no problems with you posting songs here. But then deleting them and leaving dots behind will eventually drive people away from this site. Shame on you!
Rob, you are wasting your time with Fd....he is a troll and he does stuff like deleting his posts just to get people angry so that he can troll them...he's been doing it for years.....let Brian and the other moderators deal with him...very few people are responding to his posts anyway...trolls can't stand to be ignored
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
Steve, I noticed that not many people are responding to his posts. But he's really ruining the Mp3 section of this site and the moderators apparently don't care. 28 posts in just one month that have no song. I wouldn't be writing here if this site didn't mean anything to me. I have no problem with people posting songs here. That's what the MP3 section is all about. But 28 entries with no songs in just one month. This is ridiculous.
Rob, if the moderators don't care, that has to tell you something...but I think they do and they will have to address the problem...let's see what they do
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
The only people ruining the site are you all two weeks ago it was dead, nobody was here, I started posting and suddenly it's back from the dead.
You were looking to come here and shite on my work, which bears no weight, cause you can't write. As if the moderators should allow my work to get shite on, but deleting them is a problem.
there was nothing to moderate, and if they read the ai thread, which I started and had nearly 9 k views it will show poor innocent rob attacking me, they aren't stupid.
Rob, if the moderators don't care, that has to tell you something...but I think they do and they will have to address the problem...let's see what they do
The only people ruining the site are you all two weeks ago it was dead, nobody was here, I started posting and suddenly it's back from the dead.
Mr. Demetrio, before you spread more fake news let me just get the facts straight. You didn’t start posting things here in the MP3 section two weeks ago. No. You started on April 19. It’s well documented. Since then you posted 4 songs. Wow!!! Well done! Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. In addition, you posted a bunch of dots but only 4 songs can be heard. During the same period of time 21 other songs were posted here. Now you say your 4 songs saved this site from dying? I surely can’t follow your logic.
Mr Demetrio, tons of songs? You deleted most of them. You created tons of dots. There are no songs, except the 4 you left. Her Gettysburg Address is gone. Nobody can listen to it. Can you list more than 4 songs that we can listen to that you posted here during the last 4 weeks?
Mr Demetrio, tons of songs? You deleted most of them. You created tons of dots. There are no songs, except the 4 you left. Her Gettysburg Address is gone. Nobody can listen to it. Can you list more than 4 songs that we can listen to that you posted here during the last 4 weeks?
Yes, it looks like your problem. YOU claim you posted tons of songs here. There are only 4. You didn't save this sight from dying. Dream on, man. A songwriter writes songs. Where are yours?
Yes, it looks like your problem. YOU claim you posted tons of songs here. There are only 4. You didn't save this sight from dying. Dream on, man. A songwriter writes songs. Where are yours?
You had your chance to listen and learn, you decided to troll and deny instead.
I suspect in ten years you will be no better than you are now. Work in your craft if you wanna write songs
Mr. Demetrio, once again ... where are your songs? Songwriters write songs. Where are your songs? In 10 years from now I might be dead. Who knows. But my music will still be alive.
Mr. Demetrio, sorry if I'm going on your nerves. You call yourself an excellent songwriter. Where are your songs? You claim your songs saved this site from dying. Where are the songs that saved this site? Come on, man. Prove to us that you are more than a bag of hot air. Where are your tons of songs?
I have a request Dom. Put up one good song. Only one. Dont flood the section with robot songs.
Put up the single best recording, developed with or without UDIO that you feel that you have made, to date. Show us what makes you an excellent songwriter. Let us critique it.
I have a request Dom. Put up one good song. Only one. Dont flood the section with robot songs.
Put up the single best recording, developed with or without UDIO that you feel that you have made, to date. Show us what makes you an excellent songwriter. Let us critique it.
Thanks Marty
I just realized I've done 42 songs since I started using this. I didn't need to but it overwhelmed me, it's like finding a lost dog after years missing.
What would be the point of asking fur s critique. If Firstjy, you will never admit if it's good, secondly, you will dumb us down believing that it's not my work, which it has more to do with me and my lyrics than you will know.
Plus on a forum where everything is good, where is the comparison, or the believability if they critique it negatively.
Udio is not a miracle worker, I'm not going to make blockbuster recordings with it.
It's just really an account of my ideas
I'm looking into ai video from lyric.
Or from MP3.
If you could do lyric to a video, while doing not just one image , lit would show how important the lyric is. Fluff would produce some kind of image in video, but a good one would picture better.
it has more to do with me and my lyrics than you will know.
Udio is not a miracle worker, I'm not going to make blockbuster recordings with it.
It's just really an account of my ideas
Fdem, the quality of the songs generated by Udio have nothing to do with your lyrics. Udio can achieve high quality recordings without any input at all. If you mix it down properly you can get a radio-ready recording. A friend of mine tried it out. The result was awesome. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.
Firstjy, you will never admit if it's good, secondly, you will dumb us down believing that it's not my work, which it has more to do with me and my lyrics than you will know.
Not true. My request is sincere.
The basis for it stems from the fact that you have stated that you are a great songwriter and that several of us are not. Not just not, but pathetically not. Maybe that is true. However, all of these many AI generated songs create a fog over your assertions.
If you pick a single song that you have completed with UDIO or otherwise, that you feel to be your best or an equal amongst your best...then post it. I will take it seriously. I will set aside all of these ramblings and insults of many days. I will give a sincere critique of it.
I may agree with you that it is excellent. If not, in sober terms, I will say why. And of course, the site provides your opportunity for rebuttal.
You claim to want the hard truth in critiques at this site. I am offering you that.
it has more to do with me and my lyrics than you will know.
Udio is not a miracle worker, I'm not going to make blockbuster recordings with it.
It's just really an account of my ideas
Fdem, the quality of the songs generated by Udio have nothing to do with your lyrics. Udio can achieve high quality recordings without any input at all. If you mix it down properly you can get a radio-ready recording. A friend of mine tried it out. The result was awesome. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.
Because something "sounds" Awesome doesn't mean it is.
That's like saying Bob Dylan's lyrics have nothing to do with how his records.
That's like saying Taylor Swift would have this amazing career without her lyrics.
That's like saying the sound of silence would be great without the lyric
Your missing what a good song is. Anything can be made to sound good, a string if farts can be produced into a great recording
When i say my lyrics have to do with what I'm achieving .. I mean .. number one, the idea fur my song is the Genesis, there's no sung called ..such and such without me writing that.
Two, it uses the words to create a mood. An attitude , which is what a musician does when he writes music . The flow and rhythm of the words also cues it to write a certain piece
Three, the ultimate judge is the listener. Some listeners never cared about lyric or never will, others do and don't realize it.
Some genres it doesn't matter, but the hook still does. 90% of songs here have no hook or
As if saying like a rolling stone, hotel California Eleanor rigby , behind blue eyes born to run, american pie, and thousands of legendary songs the lyrics don't matter
While this guy produces this into a great sounding track, the sing is terrible and would never last long if somebody would record it, and it would not make anybody's favorite song list
Fdem, Udio can write lyrics too. Stunning lyrics in fact. Maybe even better than yours. Try it out.
Their lyrics suck
Incoherent. Disconnected. Lacking a true pov
I will say a few times in my working with this, i run it though and forgot to enter the lyrics, hear it back and it started riffing on my previous lyric.
I'm like what is that, I don't like that at all. All it's doing is pushing out what it thinks you mean
As of now both musically and lyrically, humans write better songs
And as a singer songwriter all you have is your pov, your inner revelations< your experience to work with.
The guy says he can't take any credit for this as the software not only created the music and the lyrics, but it also produced the piece. Compare this to what you've been posting lately. Most of your "songs" weren't complete ... the outro was missing, etc. This song has a good lyric and a polished sound. It's a radio-ready song generated by Udio. Does that apply to your Udio songs as well?
The guy says he can't take any credit for this as the software not only created the music and the lyrics, but it also produced the piece. Compare this to what you've been posting lately. Most of your "songs" weren't complete ... the outro was missing, etc. This song has a good lyric and a polished sound. It's a radio-ready song generated by Udio. Does that apply to your Udio songs as well?
I don't like that style of music, but it's typical ai in lyric, decent at being poetic cause it's using all poems and recycling them. Esoteric lyrics it's ok at but why do it?
But nobody will connect with that.
And let me ask u. Question, why are you continuing to write if ai can do it?
Because you believe you bring something to the table? Because you believe you have a right to be heard? You believe that there is only one Rob?
Firstjy, you will never admit if it's good, secondly, you will dumb us down believing that it's not my work, which it has more to do with me and my lyrics than you will know.
Not true. My request is sincere.
The basis for it stems from the fact that you have stated that you are a great songwriter and that several of us are not. Not just not, but pathetically not. Maybe that is true. However, all of these many AI generated songs create a fog over your assertions.
If you pick a single song that you have completed with UDIO or otherwise, that you feel to be your best or an equal amongst your best...then post it. I will take it seriously. I will set aside all of these ramblings and insults of many days. I will give a sincere critique of it.
I may agree with you that it is excellent. If not, in sober terms, I will say why. And of course, the site provides your opportunity for rebuttal.
You claim to want the hard truth in critiques at this site. I am offering you that.
Not true, never said I was a great songwriter, that's you projecting your bias on me. Difference is I know where I stand, you think all songs sre the same if recorded right.
Not true
As experiment let somebody create 200 ai random songs.
Compare them to hotel California. Even give it the tithe hotel California, it ain't happening
Not true, never said I was a great songwriter, that's you projecting your bias on me.
Never? You need to quickly go back through your many self-proclaiming posts and edit them to reflect this alternate reality. It's too ridiculous to even debate.
Originally Posted by Fdemetrio
As experiment let somebody create 200 ai random songs.
Compare them to hotel California. Even give it the tithe hotel California, it ain't happening
No. I am asking for you to post just ONE SONG that you consider YOUR BEST for scrutiny. The site has become awash in your robot songs, so I don't know which of those that you consider your best.
And we can look at it through a producer lens...UDIO or whatever is involved is fine....the song will be judged on the merits of the end result.
Dom, You've turned the site into Dom's bipolar expose. If you cant put up one "showcase" song of yours and withstand the scrutiny...then you are akin to the guy on the street corner claiming to be the messiah. He has nothing to show as proof other than delusional claims.
One song Dom. Your best. I will critique it genuinely and sincerely. I am sure that others also will.
Not true, never said I was a great songwriter, that's you projecting your bias on me.
Never? You need to quickly go back through your many self-proclaiming posts and edit them to reflect this alternate reality. It's too ridiculous to even debate.
Originally Posted by Fdemetrio
As experiment let somebody create 200 ai random songs.
Compare them to hotel California. Even give it the tithe hotel California, it ain't happening
No. I am asking for you to post just ONE SONG that you consider YOUR BEST for scrutiny. The site has become awash in your robot songs, so I don't know which of those that you consider your best.
And we can look at it through a producer lens...UDIO or whatever is involved is fine....the song will be judged on the merits of the end result.
Dom, You've turned the site into Dom's bipolar expose. If you cant put up one "showcase" song of yours and withstand the scrutiny...then you are akin to the guy on the street corner claiming to be the messiah. He has nothing to show as proof other than delusional claims.
One song Dom. Your best. I will critique it genuinely and sincerely. I am sure that others also will.
Why don't we go somewhere with no home field advantage, where not everybody knows your name, or glad you came.
Go to a forum none of us belong to, you post just another errand I'll post any if mine. I'll gladly say it's my lyric and ai music, or i can do an acoustic version of any and do it that way.
Or you take your lyric from just another errand, and do it with udio .
Then we can ask the forum to pick what they think the best is. Best us always subjective, but I'd be willing to do that.
And let me ask u. Question, why are you continuing to write if ai can do it? Because you believe you bring something to the table? Because you believe you have a right to be heard? You believe that there is only one Rob?
Fdem, no. All wrong. I write songs because I like to be creative. Writing songs helps me deal with the ups and downs in life. Some AI-based software applications help me be creative. Udio is not one of them. To me, writing songs is more than just writing lyrics. A song has a melody and music. If you write music and lyrics you can call yourself a songwriter. If you're a songwriter that sings, then you're a singer songwriter. If you only write lyrics, you're a lyricist. If you write only music, you're a composer. I haven't quite figured out what exactly you are. You claim you're a singer songwriter. I'm with Marty here ... post your best song and allow us to listen to it and give you feedback.
Originally Posted by Fdemetrio
Not true, never said I was a great songwriter, that's you projecting your bias on me.
Wrong again. I know you never said that you were an outstanding songwriter, but you did write it. Here are a few recent quotes from you:
- And how come my music is 100 times better than yours? - I'm a better songwriter than you - But you're not a writer, I am - if I wasn't a singer songwriter my results with this wouldn't be this good - I'm exceptionally good....
There are many talented songwriters hanging out here. It's not just you. And many of them do more than write lyrics.
And let me ask u. Question, why are you continuing to write if ai can do it? Because you believe you bring something to the table? Because you believe you have a right to be heard? You believe that there is only one Rob?
Fdem, no. All wrong. I write songs because I like to be creative. Writing songs helps me deal with the ups and downs in life. Some AI-based software applications help me be creative. Udio is not one of them. To me, writing songs is more than just writing lyrics. A song has a melody and music. If you write music and lyrics you can call yourself a songwriter. If you're a songwriter that sings, then you're a singer songwriter. If you only write lyrics, you're a lyricist. If you write only music, you're a composer. I haven't quite figured out what exactly you are. You claim you're a singer songwriter. I'm with Marty here ... post your best song and allow us to listen to it and give you feedback.
Originally Posted by Fdemetrio
Not true, never said I was a great songwriter, that's you projecting your bias on me.
Wrong again. I know you never said that you were an outstanding songwriter, but you did write it. Here are a few recent quotes from you:
- And how come my music is 100 times better than yours? - I'm a better songwriter than you - But you're not a writer, I am - if I wasn't a singer songwriter my results with this wouldn't be this good - I'm exceptionally good....
There are many talented songwriters hanging out here. It's not just you. And many of them do more than write lyrics.
What u say in defense of being attacked is different than a blanket statement.
I'm glad to do that. I'm not going to pay money to do it. But if you have a free site, that's fine.
I would not post Just Another Errand.
For an example of my best lyrics, I would post "Gone By Dawn." For an example of my best music/lyrical combination, I would post "Now I Know" If I only post one...Now I Know.
But before that happens...
We are here on this site. You have told numerous people here... that you are a great writer and they are pathetic. So you put up a song on this site first and I will put up my songs wherever you want. After all of the insults that you have delivered here, if you can't withstand some scrutiny and criticism, then you are pathetic and cowardly.
Focus...Put up your best song for crit here, and then tell me where to put "Now I Know."
I'm glad to do that. I'm not going to pay money to do it. But if you have a free site, that's fine.
I would not post Just Another Errand.
For an example of my best lyrics, I would post "Gone By Dawn." For an example of my best music/lyrical combination, I would post "Now I Know" If I only post one...Now I Know.
But before that happens...
We are here on this site. You have told numerous people here... that you are a great writer and they are pathetic. So you put up a song on this site first and I will put up my songs wherever you want. After all of the insults that you have delivered here, if you can't withstand some scrutiny and criticism, then you are pathetic and cowardly.
Focus...Put up your best song for crit here, and then tell me where to put "Now I Know."
cheap bastard. Lokllll
Bak Bak Bak
Oh yeah it was said here, so we must do it here lolllllllll
And have Ben and Rob and v both come in the thread.
Oh yeah it was said here, so we must do it here lolllllllll
And have Ben and Rob and v both come in the thread.
I dont get by by being stupid.
Not here never
I dont what all that crap is. I'll put NOW I KNOW up wherever and see how it fares against anything that you have. But if you can't put one song up and endure written scrutiny on a computer screen where you spend this much time....then...
Oh yeah it was said here, so we must do it here lolllllllll
And have Ben and Rob and v both come in the thread.
I dont get by by being stupid.
Not here never
I dont what all that crap is. I'll put NOW I KNOW up wherever and see how it fares against anything that you have. But if you can't put one song up and endure written scrutiny on a computer screen where you spend this much time....then...
you are a coward.
Cause there is no point, first if all it's like winning the special Olympics.
Two it can not be a fair contest here, we both know what will happen
Cause there is no point, first if all it's like winning the special Olympics.
Two it can not be a fair contest here, we both know what will happen
coward, lol
Its just words on a computer screen. Once done, you name the venue. Liars, cowards and fools always run out of a side door when confronted with their lies, scheming and delusions.
Cause there is no point, first if all it's like winning the special Olympics.
Two it can not be a fair contest here, we both know what will happen
coward, lol
Its just words on a computer screen. Once done, you name the venue. Liars, cowards and fools always run out of a side door when confronted with their lies, scheming and delusions.
I was hopeful that you and I could confront Dom with his hypocrisy and delusions and make him decide to give it up and go away. But he is broken little street-corner-nose-picker. And he will not be dissuaded, He feeds on it.
The problem doesn't really lay with him. He's just a random fly on a cow's butt. He can't help it.
I have two adventure bikes that I take trips with (motorcycles). I go to their many forums and there are differences of opinion here and there, but they are polite. And Doms are not allowed to fester. They are sent away fast. These songwriter sites are the only ones that I have ever frequented where dysfunction and clinical behavior are allowed to fester and put on a non-stop show.
The issue rests with the admins of this site. Dom is just a random barking dog. If the admins wont fix it, no one else can.
Gonna leave you with Dom. I am fixing too much attention on this and it is taking up too much time. It is entertaining in a twisted way, but that is starting to bring a pointless psychological annoyance. Dom's world. Am making the mistake, once again, of trying to make sense of a broken personality. It is my own fault and stupidity for trying to do that.
I was hopeful that you and I could confront Dom with his hypocrisy and delusions and make him decide to give it up and go away. But he is broken little street-corner-nose-picker. And he will not be dissuaded, He feeds on it.
The problem doesn't really lay with him. He's just a random fly on a cow's butt. He can't help it.
I have two adventure bikes that I take trips with (motorcycles). I go to their many forums and there are differences of opinion here and there, but they are polite. And Doms are not allowed to fester. They are sent away fast. These songwriter sites are the only ones that I have ever frequented where dysfunction and clinical behavior are allowed to fester and put on a non-stop show.
The issue rests with the admins of this site. Dom is just a random barking dog. If the admins wont fix it, no one else can.
Gonna leave you with Dom. I am fixing too much attention on this and it is taking up too much time. It is entertaining in a twisted way, but that is starting to bring a pointless psychological annoyance. Dom's world. Am making the mistake, once again, of trying to make sense of a broken personality. It is my own fault and stupidity for trying to do that.
Yeah you lead the brigade of attacks on me because I posted songs here.
You just can't handle that somebody writes more and better than you do
I did nothing wrong, I posted songs,which nobody was.
And I told u what Im willing to do but you know I'll kick your ass
Instead you need the comfort of your little support group here
Music doesn't work that way, u say im good and I'll say your good.
Marty, I don't think they'll do anything about him. But it would really make sense to clean up the MP3 section here. He created so many dots here. Our songs kind of get lost between all of them and it makes no sense to post something here without something people can listen to. I've visited many songwriter sites and every now and then you find someone like him. Oh well, I'll try to ignore him in the future.
I still can't get over the title of his song here: Truck Me 4 a while. I had to look it up to find out what "to truck" means. According to Merriam-Webster it's widely used in county jails. It can be a noun, adjective or verb. Meaning slow, dumb, or dull. It describes stupid or unnecessary behavior. Marty, I doubt that this song is about us. But if it is, then this guy is a genius.
Marty, I don't think they'll do anything about him. But it would really make sense to clean up the MP3 section here. He created so many dots here. Our songs kind of get lost between all of them and it makes no sense to post something here without something people can listen to. I've visited many songwriter sites and every now and then you find someone like him. Oh well, I'll try to ignore him in the future.
I still can't get over the title of his song here: Truck Me 4 a while. I had to look it up to find out what "to truck" means. According to Merriam-Webster it's widely used in county jails. It can be a noun, adjective or verb. Meaning slow, dumb, or dull. It describes stupid or unnecessary behavior. Marty, I doubt that this song is about us. But if it is, then this guy is a genius.
Oh yeahhhhhhh?
Your recent titles doozies like
It's about me, and one more try, now whooooo could think of those?
It's about me, and one more try, now whooooo could think of those?
Well, One More Try was a huge hit for George Michael. I wasn't the first person to write a song with that title. What''s wrong with One More Try? At least people don't need an urban dictionary to understand what the song is about.
It's about me, and one more try, now whooooo could think of those?
Well, One More Try was a huge hit for George Michael. I wasn't the first person to write a song with that title. What''s wrong with One More Try? At least people don't need an urban dictionary to understand what the song is about.
It's boring , and George Michael was a world famous artist who could release any song and get heard
You are a schmuck on a forum , how could you stand out with that? Let alone the melody and rest of lyric
There's nothing wrong with writing as a hobby, but when you look fur a fight chances are you'll get one
It's isn't Rob. Rob is good people. It is you. As you, yourself, sincerely wrote in a prior episode...you are a loser. (your admission, your self-labelling, who would know better?)
You are a loser and so is "JustPlainDom.com" You are winning nothing. You are denigrating people on the only songwriting site where you have any presence. And you are so dumb, that you think that you are miles above the only people who are available to you. If you are here, you are at the same level of the music world as anyone else here.
You're right in the quote, but you have the wrong personality in mind.
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"Do not endeavor to be the smartest kid in a dumb class. Instead, you are better off being the dumbest kid in the smartest class, where you will be challenged and you will learn. If you aren't growing, you are dying." -Brian Austin Whitney