Hello Stan, Charlann and fellow participants:

Good to get your entries before time ran out on this little poll.
Here are my tabulations of the categories:

1. Lyricists = 13
2. Composers = 7
3. Songwriters = 13
4. Non-performing singer/songwriters = 14
5. Performing songwriters = 28
6. Vocalists/singers = 5
7. Other types = 14
8. Those who listed more than one category = 24

Note: The numbers will not add up to the total participants due to those who listed more than one category.

Male Participants = 38
Female Participants = 14
Total Participants = 52

Countries represented:

USA = 47
Canada = 2
Australia = 2
Scotland = 1

States with most representatives:

Florida = 9
Pennsylvania = 4
Georgia = 4
Michigan = 3

U.S. Regions represented:

Northeast = 6
Midwest = 14
South = 17 (includes Florida)
Northwest = 2
Southwest = 4 (Texas, Arizona & California)
Unlisted = 2

The biggest surprise to me was how few reported as lyricists only. The second surprise was the significant listing of performing songwriters. Wow! The final surprise was how many listed more than one category.

Thanks, ever so much for your participation. I won't attempt to "spin" the results. Statistics have a way of being "bent" in the direction of the pollster and I had no agenda. Just curious!

