"What happened to you?", he asked, momentarily distracted. "And, for crissakes, the evidence goes into the bag."

The new cop didn't seem to hear the detective barking at him...He looked at the cloth, held it up towards him by way of explanation, whispered something unintelligible...and then fell forward, landing face down at the detective's feet.

He looked down at the man, who didn't stir. The still-bleeding wound, at closer range, did indeed resemble the bitemark of a snake, two holes above, two holes below.

He slowly raised his eyes, nodding to each member of the search team as it formed a haphazard circle around the scene. Letting out a big sigh, he loosened the top of his necktie and said "Gentlemen, here we go again."



"Fill what's empty, empty what's full, and scratch where it itches."