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I stated as soon as Mike Z introduced Udio to JPF, that there would be a deluge of songs coming into creation solely because the software existed to actualize them quickly and easily and with limited or non-existent musical instrument skills.
I also stated that there would be a multitude of teenagers and others who will now believe and present these songs as their creations.
You, Dom, are the JPF poster boy for this phenomenon.
I stated as soon as Mike Z introduced Udio to JPF, that there would be a deluge of songs coming into creation solely because the software existed to actualize them quickly and easily and with limited or non-existent musical instrument skills.
I also stated that there would be a multitude of teenagers and others who will now believe and present these songs as their creations.
You, Dom, are the JPF poster boy for this phenomenon.
Yeah? Are you saying you write play or sing better than me?
Where's your deluge of songs? you've been writing one song fur ten years . I'm waiting to hear your great stuff
Yeah? Are you saying you write play or sing better than me?
Where's your deluge of songs? you've been writing one song fur ten years . I'm waiting to hear your great stuff
I dont know for sure, but I suspect that I do play and sing better than you. Really doesnt matter much. Neither one of us are anything great. I definitely have more examples of my singing and playing to show than you do. That's an empirical fact.
If you dont like my songs, then you dont.
I write when I feel like it and want to. For enjoyment. I have no obligation to meet a song output. That's is all in your head. Amongst other things.
Yeah? Are you saying you write play or sing better than me?
Where's your deluge of songs? you've been writing one song fur ten years . I'm waiting to hear your great stuff
I dont know for sure, but I suspect that I do play and sing better than you. Really doesnt matter much. Neither one of us are anything great. I definitely have more examples of my singing and playing to show than you do. That's an empirical fact.
If you dont like my songs, then you dont.
I write when I feel like it and want to. For enjoyment. I have no obligation to meet a song output. That's is all in your head. Amongst other things.
You have one good song Martha plane why you don't post that or use that I don't know
There robots , there not humans , Oh yeah 100 times better then me , what a ego ,man . Good luck on promotion with that attitude F, You won't... you'll stay on forums. Load one up on Youtube. Watch you get slammed on copywrites. If your 100 times better then anyone on here.. lets hear one , sing it play it. No robots . I'm standing for human session players with family's to feed , you're defending robots ... You just don't like the word robot for some reason.
There robots , there not humans , Oh yeah 100 times better then me , what a ego ,man . Good luck on promotion with that attitude F, You won't... you'll stay on forums. Load one up on Youtube. Watch you get slammed on copywrites. If your 100 times better then anyone on here.. lets hear one , sing it play it. No robots . I'm standing for human session players with family's to feed , you're defending robots ... You just don't like the word robot for some reason.
First of all it's not robots, if you've ever used band in a box it's similar. Instead of typing in chords, you type in your vision of the soing
There are no robots. You just keep saying that
It's too bad you don't have enough songs to post, and write lame stuff.
Do unto others as you would have them do to you
Fir every action, there is a. Equal and opposite reaction
Any level headed person reading this thread from top to bottom can clearly see who is antagonizing who.
And I will always defend myself especially when I'm right, I'm a better songwriter than you
First of all it's not robots, if you've ever used band in a box it's similar. Instead of typing in chords, you type in your vision of the soing There are no robots. You just keep saying that
Fdem, if they are not robots, what do you call them? I’m sure you are intelligent enough to know that no humans are singing your songs. I’d say the voices are computer-generated. The term robots fits quite well. Btw, the AI tools I’ve used in the past are not even close to BIAB.
Originally Posted by Fdemetrio
Any level headed person reading this thread from top to bottom can clearly see who is antagonizing who.
I can surely see that YOU are antagonizing almost everybody here. YOU do that to me almost all the time. Of course, YOU always blame me. That’s the blame game YOU play.
Originally Posted by Fdemetrio
And I will always defend myself especially when I'm right, I'm a better songwriter than you
Even if you were the world’s best songwriter, which you aren’t, who cares. If we can’t hear any of the songs you write, how can anybody judge how good or bad you are. I can’t even listen to most of your AI generated songs because they are gone. All we can find is “poof” (I think you mean poop). You are cluttering up the MP3 section here with a bunch dots “.”. 28 dots! Just look what the MP3 section looks like. It's a mess because of you. Shame on YOU!
First of all it's not robots, if you've ever used band in a box it's similar. Instead of typing in chords, you type in your vision of the soing There are no robots. You just keep saying that
Fdem, if they are not robots, what do you call them? I’m sure you are intelligent enough to know that no humans are singing your songs. I’d say the voices are computer-generated. The term robots fits quite well. Btw, the AI tools I’ve used in the past are not even close to BIAB.
Originally Posted by Fdemetrio
Any level headed person reading this thread from top to bottom can clearly see who is antagonizing who.
I can surely see that YOU are antagonizing almost everybody here. YOU do that to me almost all the time. Of course, YOU always blame me. That’s the blame game YOU play.
Originally Posted by Fdemetrio
And I will always defend myself especially when I'm right, I'm a better songwriter than you
Even if you were the world’s best songwriter, which you aren’t, who cares. If we can’t hear any of the songs you write, how can anybody judge how good or bad you are. I can’t even listen to most of your AI generated songs because they are gone. All we can find is “poof” (I think you mean poop). You are cluttering up the MP3 section here with a bunch dots “.”. 28 dots! Just look what the MP3 section looks like. It's a mess because of you. Shame on YOU!
You attacked everything I posted, my lyrics created the backdrop for those pieces , it's something your ignorant to. That's why Carrol keeps getting nusic that doesn't bring the lyrics forward. It's too vague to create a atmosphere
And I'm only doing lyrics if my musical ideas can be used gonna be more fun.
Ok your a better song writer then I , You know I really don't care anyone using robots songs, It really comes down to a ROI , So this bickering is pointless . Good luck on your musical journey. Yes I talked with Carrol on his song , I felt I could not beat the robot . But its a good avenue for him on producing songs . My observation , I've heard a few of them now , There's something not quiet right on sounding real , But I'm sure with time , they will get closer . Battle of the band of robots songs , Battle of the band of human songs , Nobody stops new technology. I would rally up a presence on Social Media , Sell CDS . Put a Q@R sticker on them... so they can down load songs on their phone. They buy them to support you , Cd's are out of date .
I think it's clear you can not use udio for anything but reference. I've gotten flagged not just for mentining an artist, but describing the sound I wanted, and the result was it was takenbaway. And I've heard Elvis Costellos Jame's Taylor tom Petty in my own creations, steven Tyler etc
What would happen I think is if udio loses in court , ai will keep going, trying to create music in a midi kind of way
What's making everybody think udio is so great is cause it's produced so great, and that's cause it's based on hit records.
It's a reference, take what you can but make it your own .. re produce it.
It will be wild if they can create a system that turns what you sing, and write into it and they interpret that.
So your basically paying this platform a % like a co-writer , That's if you monetize it and promote it . at 80,000 songs a day for 30 days which is 240,000 . Who is actually going to pay in ads to promote it to ROI ?, No idea . if you add this platform and a few more , you'll probably have a million songs a month flooding the market . cutting the song is only half the equation. You have to make vids of yourself playing , AI songs ? no idea how to do that. its still a product competing against other products , AI or human songs .
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
It'll be interesting to see the before-and-after on that.
I am using chatGPT and GEMINI everyday and love them. They have improved the time involved with a "google search" significantly. I have no term papers to write, but have found that typing in a question about anything will yield an illuminating answer.
But I can't help feeling a little like the tech employee who is training his imported coworker to replace him. ;(
Can hardly wait for the theorists on this....see....I told you, yup they're implanting into our brains now...
Question....what is a cross between a robot and a human...A ROMAN....I'm staying away from ITALY
Last edited by VNORTH2; 05/29/2409:47 AM.
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
You know, the ROMANS were quite an advanced society when they were in charge of everything....Hmmmmm??
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
So your basically paying this platform a % like a co-writer , That's if you monetize it and promote it . at 80,000 songs a day for 30 days which is 240,000 . Who is actually going to pay in ads to promote it to ROI ?, No idea . if you add this platform and a few more , you'll probably have a million songs a month flooding the market . cutting the song is only half the equation. You have to make vids of yourself playing , AI songs ? no idea how to do that. its still a product competing against other products , AI or human songs .
It's 800 k a day, the only conclusion to draw is that while it was already impossible to make money with music, this seals it.
You need to stop thinking there's money in music, only doing live gigs for 150 a night maybe, or being extremely famous. And alot if people are famous on YouTube and dint make much.
There's just too many people who make music to find an audience.
or it takes a full time balls out effort with a probability of 1%, and that's high
I don't see anything in udio becoming a hit other than novelty level.
For your information here ... the German GEMA which is similar to BMI does not allow you to register copywrites of AI generated songs. No royalties are paid. So, it makes no sense to co-write with Udio.
For your information here ... the German GEMA which is similar to BMI does not allow you to register copywrites of AI generated songs. No royalties are paid. So, it makes no sense to co-write with Udio.
I hope ASCAP, BMI and SESAC follow their example, Bob.
I hope ASCAP, BMI and SESAC follow their example, Bob. Best, John
My guess is that they will...for a while. As time goes on, someone will likely have a hit and make some money somehow with an AI generated song, or partially AI generated. And then if the powers at the labels feel like they are missing out and that AI is inevitable, they will tell ASCAP et al that there is going to be a rule change.
Hopefully not, but I wouldn't bet against that happening.
I keep asking myself, how can they find out if I covered an AI-generated song or not? I mean ... if I don't tell them...
That brings to mind an interesting consideration. These AI song generators have red flags that pop up when a song sounds too much like an original artist.
Similarly, imagine a lawsuit where a plaintiff was suing for plagiarism and their attorney had access to a computer program that could listen to the song and then spit out every song ever put out by a label that sounded similar...with a breakdown description of why...provided by AI with a human equivalent IQ of 200. (I read somewhere that they estimate that at about 78 for the moment)
Personally I find music more gratifying working on a melody for a few weeks , Talking to session players on making tracks commercially expectable. Practice it vocally for 2 weeks . go to a studio and work with a producer and sing it . Talk to mix guy . and wa la its done . I don't have to concern myself with robots taken over the world and lawsuits .Even John Lennon used a multitude of session players and producers to get that sound. Along with a billion other artists . Kinda funny John had a few songs , where his buddies said" that's horrible" .ok we won't cut them lol. Well Phil Spector is getting anise , I guess we should get some work done.
You describe a very solid process. Up until a few years ago, session musicians in a reasonably well equipped studio was the only way to get a good recording done. These days, various softwares offer a lot of options to that, particularly on simplistic songs....such as mine, mostly.
I used a studio for a couple of songs owned by Beyonce's dad a few years ago. The sound engineer mixed for Beyonce and her sisters occasionally. He said that her writers sent things to him done virtually most of the time.'
I guess Beyonce' was bored on making millions on R@B , so she cut country songs and got sued on the melody "Texas Hold Em". I didn't read any more about it . Probably pay off's with lawyers... as she makes millions more.
I guess Beyonce' was bored on making millions on R@B , so she cut country songs and got sued on the melody "Texas Hold Em". I didn't read any more about it . Probably pay off's with lawyers... as she makes millions more.
That evokes an interesting thought. AI has now made song creation something that will happen in the bazillions. There are apparently legions of non-musician/non "writers" giving a few prompts and clicking a mouse...and presto, a song. If Udio and the like give these legions the copyrights to these "creations," then how many lawsuits are in the offing where some goober hears a song on the radio that resembles "their song" and gets an attorney to assert that "their song" predates the radio song...using Udio to establish the date of creation?
The MP3 section here is clogging with this stuff. Can you imagine the pile of songs using some combination of 1,4,5,6 that will exist in a year? That number is already incalculable.
Who knows... probably keeping the lawyers busy. Most of them majors like suing each other anyway , So throw in AI songs... suing robots. I guess if your label gives you a check for 35 mil , maybe giving a lawyer 1 mil to make it go away , is logical.
Stem separation and all the goodies to make it sound like a real song , Seems easier just to record a song in studios . Pretty complicated watching the vid.
Stem separation and all the goodies to make it sound like a real song , Seems easier just to record a song in studios . Pretty complicated watching the vid.
Well that was my thought with band in a box. It got so complicated, people could spend years mastering everything it can do, why not just learn an instrument instead?
People want and have different roles and goals ....reasons.
But I will say that one overwhelming reason why this and not a real recording in studio is money.
You get one shot at it in a studio or one take done fir you.with this you can try many different ways
I prefer a band for rock but this is going to get better and better
The John Mayer sound alike was aright , But its not close to a real recording , at least to me . But yeah with time , it will improve . For $30.00 a year , You can't go wrong .
The John Mayer sound alike was aright , But its not close to a real recording , at least to me . But yeah with time , it will improve . For $30.00 a year , You can't go wrong .
If you pay a demo service for a demo, and don't like it, you're pretty much stuck with it .
If I was able to keep entering my lyrics, but in addition, sing my melody, and even sing it myself on top of it. Add my own guitar riffs , I'd be very happy with that and it would basically be all mine
You have to trust the session players in Nashville , That's not true , If it goes sideways , you can make them start over . But yeah its all ( Money) . I can see these sites as cash-cows , Along with Spotify making millions more ...with a trillion songs loading and people paying the whatever start up fee to join. Demo stands for ( Demonstration) usually for pitching songs to publishers , I won't open that can of worms .
You have to trust the session players in Nashville , That's not true , If it goes sideways , you can make them start over . But yeah its all ( Money) . I can see these sites as cash-cows , Along with Spotify making millions more ...with a trillion songs loading and people paying the whatever start up fee to join. Demo stands for ( Demonstration) usually for pitching songs to publishers , I won't open that can of worms .
A demo can be for personal satisfaction too, or to just see what you have. Giving a band a reference
(Writers) still pitch songs , But yes artists write there own more now , Either with a established (hit writer) or not . like Ashley Gorley ect ect ect.
personal satisfaction ? why yes , cuz 99.99% will never see radio . My buddy just had one picked up by a Nash publisher , maybe 3 weeks ago , I guess it could happen being on radio.
Back on Topic . If a demo studio wrote the melody , they get a % , If AI did the melody , I'm not sure how that would work with publishers , If the writer fed AI with the melody, I'm also not sure on PRO rules on excepting it . I'm guessing this has come up all ready.... with professional publishers and logistics and laws. A Sony Staff writer probably grew up using PRO -Tools , He might have AI in his tool box in 2024. (Slippery Sloap ) I guess .
(Writers) still pitch songs , But yes artists write there own more now , Either with a established (hit writer) or not . like Ashley Gorley ect ect ect.
personal satisfaction ? why yes , cuz 99.99% will never see radio . My buddy just had one picked up by a Nash publisher , maybe 3 weeks ago , I guess it could happen being on radio.
Back on Topic . If a demo studio wrote the melody , they get a % , If AI did the melody , I'm not sure how that would work with publishers , If the writer fed AI with the melody, I'm also not sure on PRO rules on excepting it . I'm guessing this has come up all ready.... with professional publishers and logistics and laws. A Sony Staff writer probably grew up using PRO -Tools , He might have AI in his tool box in 2024. (Slippery Sloap ) I guess .
It has but nobody really knows the answer.
If an ai melody couldn't be used what purpose would it serve? It be useless to anyone thinking professionally.
But there's also the question how would anyone know if an ai melody was used.
Ai detectors maybe, but then the question is who owns what ai generates.
But the truth is as is, right now, udio does the same thing other composer's do, it steals from other composer's.
Which happened in classical music and happens to this day, it just does it so much easier.
If I'm able to use all my own ideas, while using ai as a band, I'd be happy with that.
For rock in my opinion it's not rock without guitars, real guitars, even if the sound is the same, it's power is in knowing yourself what your using, and hopefully that is shown to a listener.
But I do wish for ai as the composer to go away, but stay as a helper
That's why i said the (Slippery Sloap ) dealing with the (Real Business World In Music) and AI . I doubt a billion people and buying into the (Cash Cow) for these sites, will matter at all on doing songs. A slight problem , like flies is all to majors .
That's why i said the (Slippery Sloap ) dealing with the (Real Business World In Music) and AI . I doubt a billion people and buying into the (Cash Cow) for these sites, will matter at all on doing songs. A slight problem , like flies is all to majors .
The market was already horrifically saturated, ai or not, it was never easy to get a cut, get a deal, get fans, fack that, it was never even easy to get a gig, or to have 25:real fans.
It still starts with having an audience, no matter what tools you use, alot of people have to like it.
Horrifically saturated: that's why publishers are giving cuts to their staff writers . Oh well we can get a small following , Be happy with that , The market hit beyond crazy . Back to AI if you got tracks and (Individual stems ) and in your (key) , It could work and sing to it, mixed properly.
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