Brian & Big Jim,
I think I agree with your insights when voting strictly based on a "Song A vs. Song B" basis. For example in the finals I might tend to vote for a Jazz instrumental as compared to a Hard core Rap or Alt. Rock song just because I "grew up" with jazz, but that doesn't mean anything is technically wrong with the competeting song, it just comes down to my personal taste and preference.

Generally by the time we're in the finals (at end of each month) I'm voting for the song(s) that I would actually want to buy, or maybe hear at a live event. It comes down to my personal experience with the song and the fact that I really liked a great melody, hook or vocal performance, etc.

If it moves and inspires me it's a great song in my book... even if it's NOT the most commercially popular genre.


There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself. -- Johann Sebastian Bach