Originally Posted by Andrew Aversa

There is always the risk of over-classifying, which is what happened to Garageband imo (electronic, dance, techno? what's the difference?) but I think it might not be a bad idea to have "Dance (Electronic)" and "Downtempo (Electronic)". The latter might even be able to cover New Age too, killing two birds with one stone.

Good ideas, but I just thought of an approach that would be closer to how JPF "creates" genres during their song awards process. I don't have it perfectly 'pinned' yet, but I'll share my idea for openers, and possibly it could be quit revolutionary if done right, so here goes...

Let the judges decide...
Why not let the fans, judges and voters decide? Let's say I upload a song and I'm not sure exactly where it fits best, or maybe that "channel" doesn't exist yet. Why not have a pre-staging area where people could hear songs from some broad general (or maybe NO) categories, but then let the voters decide how it should best be "tagged" or which channel it should BEST fit into?!

I know that most of your songs are electronic/techno/pop or whatever, but maybe the ONE song I would vote for might strike me as some other category. In the end, the majority votes rule, so if 90 out of 100 put your song in "pop/electronic", then so be it. I don't think artists would worry as long as they're getting exposure and making some sales!

Anyway, so that's my "vote" for having a dynamic on-the-fly category system. I think this would also work great for the video contests! Just enter content (music or videos) on a "wide open" basis, as with the JPF awards, and then let the fans/judges decide!

Ok, that was just my "2 cents"! cool


There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself. -- Johann Sebastian Bach
