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by Gary E. Andrews - 09/12/24 09:36 AM
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Casual Observer
Casual Observer
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This is a note for Al the Pal: I'm the JPF contact for Orlando and was wondering what you did to get a chapter started and what do you continue to do to run it? I read the feedback from your first meeting, and it sounds like you started out of the gate pretty strong. How are things going? Peace, Dave www.funkUs.com
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Dave, Thanks for the interest and for stopping by to introduce yourself. Jean B. who is the overseer of all chapters has a post on the Chapter coordinator board (before the chapter boards start) where a couple of coordinators have written in legnth about this very subject. Please read and respond by posting a reply there as well. Our next chapter meeting is this Sunday the 22nd and you are welcome to join us. I will put you on our mailing list also so you are aware of all the activities and corespondence of the Tampa Bay Chapter. Be advised also that there is a Board dedicated to the Tampa Chapter just below the Southeast message board please stop by and say hi. Keep Strummin' Al
Joined: Jun 2003
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Casual Observer
Casual Observer
Joined: Jun 2003
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Sounds good! I have read that, but I was hoping to get a more specific example of what worked for you. I'm sure Tampa's scene is a lot different, (not many Tampa bands come here, and vice versa), but surely there are similarities to find.
Thanks for the invite. I probably have to pass, but appreciate being put on your list. I'll keep digging, too...
Peace, Dave
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Dave, I know that was a long post but it was pretty specific. I think though if I had to pick one thing that was most effective it would be networking. Get out for the evening maybe a Friday and go see 3 or 4 bands. Have some basic flyers and on break introduce yourself and hand out a flyer. Try to get contact information hopefully an e-mail adress and follow up once you set a date for your first meeting. Start making a list it shouldnt take long to round up 20-30 interested folks. Post on the different boards here also and ask people to answer a specific post at the Southeast message board..interest will breed interest. Al Alvarez
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