A favorite Line from a favorite comedian, Bugs Bunny!
Just a shoutout to say hang in there, stay home, stay safe! We'll be back making music soon!
Meanwhile, there's a splendid crescent Moon up to take you into Earthnight. Go out and see it. Better times ahead!

Some venues:
A seminar there some years ago: www.abqartistsmanagment.com . "Life On The Road".
Also, "Music Industry Ethics" seminar.
Outpost Performance Space. 505-268-0044.
El Rey Theater, 622 Central Ave., NW. 505-473-5723.
Sandia Blues Festival.

PINOS ALTOS: Pinos Altos Opera House. 505-538-2505.

Gerald Peters Gallery, 1011 Paseo de Peralta. 505-473-5723. ?
James A. Little Theatre. 505-473-5723. www.ThirstyEarFestival.com .
Lensic Theater, 211 W. San Francisco. 505-473-5723. ?
Santa Fe Music Hall.

SILVER CITY: Silver City Blues Festival.
SOCORRO: Macey Center. 505-835-5688.
TAOS: Solar Music Festival.

There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com