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by Gary E. Andrews - 02/05/25 07:43 AM
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Welcome to Just Plain Notes Just Plain Notes: Volume 2.017, June 30, 2014 Written by Brian Austin Whitney Visit the Website: www.jpfolks.com Mail CD's @ 5327 Kit Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46237 Copyright 2014 Just Plain Folks Productions. Just Plain Folks Member Population: 50,091 Just Plain Folks on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JustPlainFolksBrian on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brian.Austin.WhitneyBrian on Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Brian on Twitter: @TheBAWhitney Just Plain Folks Org on Twitter: @JPFolksOrg *************************************************** Would you like to join the JPF Networking Message Boards? It's quick and easy. Just click the link and choose a password and user name and you'll be posting in no time! We'd love to hear from and about you. You can get peer feedback on your music or lyrics, find people to co-write with, get answers to just about any music related question and promote yourself and your gigs on the appropriate boards. It's a very friendly place where over 20,000 of your peers hang out! To register: (It's a separate registration from JPF membership): http://www.jpfolks.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?action=agree*************************************************** A Note to All Just Plain Folks Members from Brian Austin Whitney Hi Folks, I am forgoing our normal newsletter format to ask you to do 3 things: ********************************************************************* 1. Net Neutrality: A Hilarious Call To Arms YOU NEED TO WATCH! The first and most urgent reason is to get your attention to the most important and critical issue, which in part currently helps protect us against having all our OTHER freedoms taken away from us, and that involves THE INTERNET and NET NEUTRALITY! Yes, I have written about this exhaustively as have a myriad of others (just type in "Net Neutrality" into Google and start reading) and we've worked with our partners at the Future of Music Coalition for years fighting for this issue with some early success, but a recent epic loss. So... at this last chance moment, I want you to watch something that does the best job of explaining how serious this is, with a LOT of humor, and is the best I have seen anyone do it so far. The link goes to the "Last Week Tonight" segment from John Oliver. You'll laugh a lot, and perhaps it will all finally make sense to you if it hasn't in the past. So PLEASE take the time to watch it. We have no vested interest in it beyond helping all of us maintain this free and open Internet we all depend on: Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpbOEoRrHyUThen go to: www.FCC.GOV/COMMENTS and tell them what you think! ********************************************************************* 2. 2014/2015 Just Plain Folks Music Awards We want your music! If you still have CD's of your stuff and haven't sent them to us, please send us a copy for the next Just Plain Folks Music Awards! As always, this is free to do. Send a copy, with all your contact info including social media, phone numbers, email and mailing address (in case you win something) to: Just Plain Folks Music Awards 5327 Kit Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46237 USA And if you have musician friends, please welcome them to enter as well. Just have them sign up via our home page so we can contact them via this newsletter. Record Labels are welcome to submit your rosters to us directly! Please make sure all the song credits are included in the liner notes or on a sheet of paper if needed along with your entry. ALL Genres and ALL levels of people are welcome to enter, we recognized 100 different genres of music last time around from 167 countries! If you have questions, please contact me (Brian) at: jpfolkspro@aol.com. Anything released from 2010-2014 is eligible! ********************************************************************* 3. Do you make music with your computer or samples? Then please read on! For those of you making music using Virtual Instruments on your computer, there's going to be a great class/Q&A Session on TAXI TV tonight at 4PM Pacific and 7PM Eastern Time USA. Follow the link below to watch in real time and if you miss it, immediately after the show, it will be in videos archived at the same link on the right hand side. www.youstream.tv/channel/music-marketing-onlineBelow is the complete info our friends from TAXI just sent out: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using Virtual Instruments Today On TAXI TV! 4pm (PDT) / 7pm (EDT) Dear Passengers, Virtual Instruments and Sample Libraries are an essential part of music production for most musicians in today's market. There's much to know about which ones work best, and how to use them effectively. And that's exactly what we're going to cover on today's TAXI TV! Jeff Steinman is not only the President and CEO of Warp IV Technologies, he's also a TAXI member who gets hundreds of placements a year and uses Virtual Instruments to produce his music. Jeff will be joining us on today's episode to cover as many of these topics as we have time for: Background on sample libraries Difference between good and bad libraries Ways of working with sample libraries (keyboard, EWI, wind controller, mouse, drums, other) Working with articulations and special composition techniques Demonstrations of various libraries with different styles (big/small orchestral, jazz, rock, Christmas, quirky, etc.) Special issues with mixing and mastering using samples (especially for large ensembles) Examples of pieces Jeff has composed using libraries he's created, and others, including: WarpIV Hollywood Studio Brass and Woodwind Collection (HSBWC) WarpIV Electric Guitar WarpIV Killer Bongos Superior Drummer (and others) Trilian Bass Vienna Symphony Library East West Symphonic Library and Choir RealiTone (background vocals) Native Instruments - Kontakt (tons of instruments and synths) Jeff will also be giving away a copy of his Screaming Trumpet (original version) library to the first viewer to figure out the time signature of one of the pieces he's going to play. Fun! And don't forget to use the link to the show to register with Ustream so you can be part of the live online chat and take your shot at naming the time signature! This show is going to be AWESOME! Set an alarm on your smart phone, and join us live at 4pm (PDT) / 7pm (EDT) TODAY!!! Click this link to watch the live show (and sign up to use the chat room): http://www.ustream.tv/channel/music-marketing-online As always, you should check out TAXI at www.taxi.com********************************************************************* Learn, Succeed and Thrive! We're All In This Together! Just Plain Folks Copyright 2014 Just Plain Folks Productions
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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Missed this Jeff Steinman class. Maybe I can pick it up on Youtube. Jeff Steinman is the top-of-the-line for virtual orchestra. Samples are great I’m sure, but his production chops make full use of them. Quite a talent. I considered buying the Hollywood Studio Brass when it came out. Just wasn't a priority then. I did purchase the Hollywood Strings though. It's a CPU hog but well worth the big bucks if your computer can handle it. I can usually get 7-8 tracks of Hollywood Strings till I get the overload warnings. I need to boost my Mac up to Quad processing. Probably the same for the Hollywood Brass. I'm sure this class had plenty of useful tips. John 
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Yeah, check it out on the TAXI YouTube page and let me know what you thought of it. I am thinking of getting away from my 27 Keyboards and switching to CPU based. Would save room and hassle for sure and I need to start working on Tracks for a Musical Project I am doing.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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Haven't found it yet Brian. But I'll keep looking. As far as DAW's, I use Logic Pro (made for Mac only). One thing that sold this for me (not being a techie) was the Apple Store one-to-one classes. A year of 52 Logic Pro classes for $99. Though these classes are only available at time of a Mac purchase. Others I heard good reports on are Digital Performer, Cubase, Cakewalk Sonar, and Pro Tools. Official sites and demos here: http://www.producingbeats.com/List-of-Popular-Music-Making-Digital-Audio-Workstation-DAW-SoftwareFrom what I've been told, all the top DAW's basically do the same thing equally well. Best, John
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After watching the video about "Net Neutrality" I attempted to follow up with a "comment" to the FCC about this latest assault on our freedom and sanity. To my surprise, the FCC site came up quickly, looking for all the world... as an informative and easy to access site. Just try to contact them. You will get more Obama shield defenses than a cat in a cage with a pack of wild dogs. They don't want to hear from commoners... only lobbyists with fat wallets.
These blithering idiots in Washington are the problem. They set things up for their cronies... the networks and cable companies plus the satellite providers. Remember the day when you could turn on your TV and get anywhere from two to sixteen local stations for free (depending on where you live)?
Then we let them "go big" with cable and satellite TV for a fee. Now, with the most inexpensive package they offer, you can get 125 channels that include 90% commercials, 9% adware laden, halfway decent shows and 1% of your local TV broadcasters. All of them are hellbent on "dumbing us down" as a nation and as individuals. If that is not bad enough... at least 10% of the channels on my satellite provider (pick any of them) or go to cable and get the same thing... spanish language broadcasts and shows with spanish language over-dubbing the english original transcript.
We are a nation of fools. The only weapon we have in our arsenal is to turn off your TV and unsubscribe to this mindless blather. It is impossible to get real news from any U.S. source via TV. In fact, if you want world news, CCTV (the Chinese Communists) provide better coverage than any U.S. source including CNN and Fox. (Sure it's slanted... but I don't have to listen to a panel of journalists trying to tell me what I need to think about the news.)
May God have mercy on us all. I pray nightly that he will send a plague to Washington DC and the band of robber barons dwelling there... including our extreme court of buffoons appointed for life by Presidents of all stripes. I'd rather see them appointed by a panel of homeless people... and then stand for election in order to keep their job after three or four years. That way we could hold them accountable for judicial legislation and striking down the will of the majority with one swoop of a judge's pen. Democracy never had a chance in America... it is only a dream. (Democracy means majority rule!)
If this is a rant... I'm sure as hell not sorry!
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That's interesting to hear you were not allowed to make a comment. I bet they've gotten so much grief that they are doing everything they can to get people to give up. I sent my stuff in via a more direct route, but will have to check it out. When I looked before it looked straight forward then only hassle being knowing which of the thousands of potential groups to join up with for comment.
As for news, before Al-Jeezera came to the US full blown, I used to tune into it in Europe (and still would) to get the fairest view of US info. The BBC and the rest of Europe news coming from the likes of CNN is the most Anti-American propaganda non stop you've ever witnessed. CNN in an earlier time would be tried for TREASON for the lies they tell about America on their International Broadcasts which are not available to US viewers.
It is all poison. And nothing is "the truth" about ANYONE. When we were in Paris a few years ago, the USA was running stories about the horrible and dangerous riots through the streets, the very same streets we were walking on all day and night for 5 weeks. We went to the "hottest" of all spots being covered only to find high school kids skipping school, all smiles and partying and boy/girl chasing and mugging for the International media with smiles on their faces, until they were asked to look menacing, which they gleefully did for the cameras as a joke. That stuff ran and my family and friends all feared for our safety in large numbers and it was all BS! Just propaganda by their unions there trying to get more money.
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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"It is all poison. And nothing is "the truth" about ANYONE."No truer words ever said. And THAT'S the truth. Not only the music biz - but in every biz. John
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