We welcome everyone to MuseRevolution magazine! It's the hottest new "indie" country magazine and it's FREE online! You will be amazed at the new technology and print quality exhibited in the magazine !! The magazine features top newcomers in country music, and educational industry articles about all aspects of the country music biz!
The actual website offers a FREE limited access membership for country artists, songwriters and fans/friends. You can create your own personal page, load your pics, a bio and even upload your songs!!
Artists can sign up to SELL YOUR MUSIC via single song downloads, full digital cd downloads, and we will even inventory and ship your cd's to new byuers!! (check out the fantastic "artist store fronts) !
Songwriters... you can pitch your quality song demos in the "GET PLUGGED IN" portion of the website!!
Need a totally cool website?? Check out the new ARTIST eMAGAZINE sites we offer under the ARTIST TOOLBOX !! It's the newest way to have a totally different way to gain exposure!
Need a professional bio? Or press release? Our professional staff writers can give you the quality you need to stand out!!

Brandon Lynn Shane
Editor in Chief
MuseRevolution Magazine