
Company execs in the music business who consider profit on their investment the true measure of their own success, apply that same principle to the music they record, release and promote.

Pandering to the lowest common denominator is a demeaning sort of way for a snob to vilify giving the market what it wants.

If the moviegoing market, for example, spends millions of bucks in the first week to see "I'm an unemployed indie artist," you can be certain there will be an "I'm an unemployed indie artist, part two." Success breeds success.

Now if nobody goes to see "I'm an unemployed indie artist," you'd think the artist, the producer and the promoter would get the message. Instead, they shake their heads and wonder what's wrong with the stupid public?

Truth is, stupid is as stupid does. That rule will never change, even in the music business.

Before the internet, I assumed an indie artist was someone who did paintings of race cars. Now though, it seems an indie artist is anyone who can round up at least one fan with free mp3 downloads.

[This message has been edited by songwriterman (edited 09-10-2003).]