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Well in my advanced digital painting class we are now doing speed painting exercises. They are tough to do but they are also kind of fun.
This was my first speed paint and I worked from a another painting as reference. This took 25 minutes.
This is my second speed painting and again 25 minutes.
This I did not do in class but at home for extra practice and is a speed portrait of David Tennant who was the most recent Doctor Who. This took 30 minutes.
Then I decided to put in an additional 30 more minutes into it but anything beyond an hour speed paint is not a speed Paint.
Last edited by Tobias B White; 06/22/1004:32 AM.
"There are no such things as coincidence or chance, everything happens for a reason, though we may not know why at the time it happens."
Nice job, Toby, especially on the Tennant portrait. (I'm a big Dr. Who geek!)
Thanks Kevin, I am a big fan as well. Actually though I may turn this quick paint of him into the next possible Christopher Nolen Batman Movie Riddler. There is a big call for David Tennannt to play the role plus he expressed interest in the role.
"There are no such things as coincidence or chance, everything happens for a reason, though we may not know why at the time it happens."
Who is that guy, Doctor? Nicely done. I especially like the last portrait - the hair is awesome and you added some modeling to the face which turned out pretty well.
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