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Hi Folks, Now that I got the okay to hit the road, I am starting serious planning of dates. This is always a turbulent process where changes have to be made, cities added, cities dropped and if interest isn't there, cities, skipped. But my preliminary thoughts are the following for 2007: ------------------------------------------- 2007 Summer JPF Roadtrip Dates: Mon, May 14: Cincinnati, OH Tue, May 15: Columbus, OH Wed, May 16: Pittsburgh, PA Thu, May 17: Cleveland, OH Sun, May 20: Detroit, MI Mon, May 21: Grand Rapids, MI Wed, May 23: Chicago, IL Thu, May 24: Chicago, IL Sun, May 27: Milwaukee, WI Tue, May 29: Minneapolis, MN Thu, May 31: Fargo, ND Sat, Jun 2: Sioux Falls, SD Sun, Jun 3: Omaha, NE Mon, Jun 4: Des Moines, IA Thu, Jun 7: Topeka, KS & Kansas City, MO Combined event in Shawnee Mission, KS Sat, Jun 9: St. Louis, MO Sat, Jun 23: Indianapolis, IN Sun, Jul 15: Louisville, KY Mon, Jul 16: Lexington, KY Tue, Jul 17: Charleston, WV Wed, Jul 18: Roanoke, VA Thu, Jul 19: Winston-Salem, NC Fri, Jul 20: Charlotte, NC Sat, Jul 21: Columbia, SC Sun, Jul 22: Charleston, SC Mon, Jul 23: Jacksonville, FL Tue, Jul 24: Orlando, FL A Third Place Fri, Jul 27: Tampa, FL Sat, Jul 28: Tallahassee, FL Sun, Jul 29: Athens, GA Mon, Jul 30: Atlanta, GA Tue, Jul 31: Birmingham, AL Wed, Aug 1: Nashville, TN Thu, Aug 2: Nashville, TN Fri, Aug 3: Nashville, TN Sat, Aug 4: Nashville, TN --------------------------------- In nearly every city we need to find a host for me (private room, internet access, air conditioning!!!), a venue or event location, a sound system, a sound person and some help with T-Shirts and cameras. Please keep in mind all these dates could shift a lot. It's even possible I would flip the trips to different months. But we have to start the process somewhere, so this is the starting point. I expect that several of the cities above will be skipped if interest isn't high enough for an event or gathering. We need a minimum of 15 interested artists to even consider a showcase, and we prefer over 20. We need at least 10 interested members to have a non showcase gathering. We typically cut off sign ups for showcases at 50 though we've pulled off 65 in one night before. (One LONG night!). Anyone have any thoughts? Want to sign up to perform at a show? Here's how: --------------------------------------------------- Click the link to the Roadtrip FAQ and Read it. http://www.jpfolks.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=485183&page=1#Post485183 This will explain what these shows are and answer any questions you may have. There's also a form that shows what info we need and how to register to get a slot. EVERYONE who requests a slot gets one. Complete that form and email the info requested on it to: justplainfolks@aol.com. Make sure to place the City and Dates in the subject field of your email. -----------------------------------------
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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Brian I live in SW Michigan about 1 1/2 hour from Grand Rapids. I never go to Grand Rapids so I don't know anything about the town. If you have members there I would be willing to help, I'm just not sure how much help I'd be. I didn't know we even had a chapter anywhere near me. I don't see much sense in joining one if we can only communicate through the internet, I'm already doing that.
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Hey everybody, Typically, what do pianists do on Roadtrips?? If I come out to KC, MO from Seattle, I won't be able to haul a keyboard along. What are my chances someone else at the show will be bringing one? If not, what are my chances of finding a guitarist to long-distance rehearse with?
I'm not sure I'm up to a capella. I've done it before, but I'm worried about going flat or just plain sour notes. hm.....
So accompaniment availability may make or break my making it out there (that, and plane fare!) although I REALLY want to make it happen if at all possible. Thanks!!
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If you come to Fitzgerald's in Chicago we could ask to have the piano available for the show. It is an upright and it is kept reasonably in tune and sounds alright, but it is certainly not a Bosendorfer!
In fact, I will ask about it the next time I am down there, which will probably be next Tuesday.
Last edited by Jack S.; 05/04/07 07:54 PM.
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We often ask someone who is playing a keyboard at the show to share with others.
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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Hey everyone...
Curious about the Roadtrip June 23rd in Indy.. Where exactly is this?
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It's at Locals Only on the 22nd and we're having a party at our house on the 23rd and will email info to those signed up next week when we get home.
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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hey everybody, I was curious about the Roadtrip July 30th & 31st dates in birmingham and atlanta, specifically whether its just too early in game for my group (dr. bouier feat. gotcha!) to have gotten confirmation and feedback or if there's some initiative that I should be taking myself to find out. other than that I'm just checking out the site and learning plenty about the biz. thanx!
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Actually we'll be sending a note out in a day or two for those two shows. Everyone who requests a slot gets one, so no worries.
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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Signed up for Local's Only this AM. Too late to get info?
John. miltonforge@hotmail.com
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Nope.. networking starts at 7PM.. music at 8PM. I added you to the list at the end I believe. The show should run 8-11PM give or take. Venue is Locals Only.
See you there Friday night!
Brian Austin Whitney Founder Just Plain Folks jpfolkspro@gmail.com Skype: Brian Austin Whitney Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney "It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney "Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney
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Thanks! Also, I saw there is something posted in Indy on Saturday. Is there a location for more info.
John. miltonforge@hotmail.com
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Looking foreward to seeing you in Lousiville, KY on 7/15! Thanks!
The Deloreans
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"The commercial that says "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" may be true. Our job should be making sure that we give the person we are judging the chance to make that first impression themselves, in person, for real." –Brian Austin Whitney