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Here’s another song I did with AI. I know, many of you are now thinking: Oh no, not another AI song! Well, I previously mentioned how meta-tags work with AI and I’m in the process of learning how to get AI to do what I want it to do. I love Pink, so I wanted Suno to get Pink to do a duet with a male rapper. I guess that’s a crazy combination. I know Pink often has political messages so I used a rap lyric I had written a few years ago that’s a bit political/green-ish. I’m more than satisfied with the results I got even though there are still things in there that I don’t like. If you’re interested, give it a listen.
And there will be (sorrow) And there will be no more And there will be (sorrow) No sorrow
[Verse] You listen close, ‘cause I wanna tell you something We’re ruining this world of ours and no one’s doing nothing We make plastic waste that won’t rot for years to come Smog that burns our eyes - and blackens out the sun Squandering our energy - storing nuclear waste Overfishing of our seven seas leaves a bitter taste Financial firms define the fate of our economy We’re chopping down our forests – slowly tree by tree
[Chorus] (And there will be) There’ll be no more sorrow (And there will be) If we just all join hands (And there will be) Make a brighter tomorrow (No more) Together we can (And there will be) There’ll be no more sorrow (And there will be) Cast by the hands of man (And there will be) Today and tomorrow (No sorrow) All over this land
[Verse] We’re draining all our swamps and paving fertile land Beautiful shores are now full of oily sand Imperiled species fall – right before our eyes In an over-crowded stinkin’ world - where they can’t survive Homicidal terrorists and suicidal maniacs Are no enemies our soldiers can attack Weapons of mass destruction are no real gain When democracy and peace, yo go down the drain
[Verse] Technology can’t heal diseases we’ve set free Aviation flu and aids and things like BSE Mother Nature’s getting’ mad – she’s letting it all out Tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, drought Listen to this song I sing – listen to my plea There’re no quick solutions - no sure guarantees This planet earth that we live on – look at what we’ve done We can’t imagine or dream of what’s still yet to come
[Bridge] We’ll miss the snow - and things that grow We’ll miss the trees - the birds and bees We’ll have to take - the consequences If we don’t come - to global senses It’s not too late - to save this world It’s not that hard - nor too absurd We’ll have to work together - hand in hand To make this place again - a promising land
Yeah no doubt AI does a decent job on tracks I hate political songs . Hates a strong word , divides fan base basically . Since its Politics ...Trumps winning for sure now, He'll milk getting shot till the cows come home. sad state of affairs , Dying at a rally . AR -15 again , Great job on assult rifle control . Listen to NRA Bs , guns don't kill people But sounds good Rob
Hi Elvis, I understand what you’re saying in regards to political songs. If you are a well-known artist and you have a political message you can be sure you’ll be heard. Pink sent out a message with “Dear Mr. President” or Michael Jackson did it with the “Earth Song”. That didn’t divide their fan base. I’m aware of the fact that my lyric may have too many topics. I’m also aware that there are not many rap fans here and therefore I won’t get much feedback. Thanks for giving this a listen and for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
Yeah yeah they do em , piss off everyone on left or right , no biggee , . Worlds still violent . nothing really changes . Maybe awareness . but bullets still fly
There's political and political. Lamenting the harm done to the environment is safer territory than overtly taking sides. This sounds like what it is, a song written by someone of a certain age brought up in Germany. Nothing wrong with that. I remember this kind of earnest environmental lyric from when I lived there in the early eighties. Here's one I remember. I still have the record somewhere.
I guess my criticism would be that this is basically a shopping list of bad things. I tend to think that songs of this kind are better when they're focused on one issue that they can really get their teeth into and include a call to action or a humorous take down of those deemed responsible (as in the example above).
I enjoyed listening though, and any song about which JAPOV can find nothing polite to say has to be doing something right
I could post a billion Political vids , Its Rob song , there all the same , get people pissed off for 3 minutes. That's if you have a audience, Promotion all that jazz , I would not waste my time promoting a political song. up in arms all that jazz. You'd have to give the robot a name Freedom fighter , whatever it be $$$$$$ on promotion. AI vid , give him a face. That's if you like Career suicide.
Hey Gavin, that song you posted is so bad. I've never heard that one before and I grew up in Germany. They never played it on the radio stations I listened to at the time. Germans are a lot more green-minded than Americans are. In many areas you can't build a house without a solar system on the roof. I live part time in Florida and I have a solar system on my house there. Some people ask me why and if it is worth it. Germans would never ask such a question because they know it's worth it. A lyric like the one above forces the listener to leave their comfort zone. Some will hate the artist for that, others will identify with it. I fully agree with you that my song covers too many topics.
That song’s too preachy That song’s too political That song’s too long It’ll never get played Only well known artists can do it
Well, folks, that’s five piles of BS...those statements are just not true, because none of those statements decide the success or failure of a song...particularly in 2024....
Rob....the last thing I do is pay attention to the content of a song....the content is the message of the writer on something....I may disagree with what you are saying but I am more interested if the song is a good song or not...what instrumentation/melody/harmony/baking tracks/lead vocal/etc....some folks can’t get past the content which leads to nothing but back and forth by critics/writer
I will then go through the content to see, IMO, how much thought was put into the writing and if there are some questions I may want answered...by way of example, in this song you say...It’s not too late -to save this world...by world do you mean the people because there is nothing wrong with planet earth...it does one thing very well...spin... and has done so for a few billion years...it’s been burnt, frozen, flooded, smashed into and who knows what else...and it still keeps spinning...and it doesn’t care what we do to it...now if you’re talking about the people, that’s a different story...we are doing a fine job of trying to get rid of that group... I see Gavin's POV re shopping, but IMO it works with rap
For me, the AI quality is very good...what I am not getting is much in the way of change between verses, chorus and bridge but I think that just may be a rap thing...love the BGV...basic instrumentation but fits today’s vibe....overall there’s a lot to like here, Rob
Just some thoughts
Last edited by VNORTH2; 07/19/2404:21 PM.
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
Your computer skills turn AI into just another tool to tinker and master. This Song works. I find more important your Structure. I have long thought rap should adhere to Verse/Chorus/Bridge components, and the timing of Repetition/Change that function to 'Hook' and keep 'Hooked' listener interest. Yours does that. They often lose me by going on with monotony of melody or the absence thereof, rhythm, rhyme, failing the 'Enough Test', 'Too much', 'Not Enough', and the all important 'Enough'. At 4:41 it is too long for radio (Too much), fine for live play, workable for net-play. Radio likes short Songs, leaving more time for Commercial advertising that pays the bills. A radio 'version' could be carved out, perhaps focusing the topic. Radio exec's fear the covert action of 'government' and advertisers, who, back in the 1960's, privately threatened licensing, advertising dollars, and other tactics if they played Songs 'with a message'. Exec's, in reaction to Government threats, told 'artists', "If you want to send a message, send a telegram." But the whole point of a message Song is to 'broadcast' ideas we want a 'broad' audience to think about, giving them the philosophy to think through the matter more thoroughly, educated-ly, to be able to express it more articulately. A telegram reaches one recipient. Those who object typically can't counter the viewpoint with intellect and integrity, often wielding Government and Commercial authority, can only think of suppressing those ideas; not countering them with more logical points. Keep exploring. You've only begun to explore the possibilities of the tool and you're finding it perfectly useful, on this composition and a couple others so far.
Last edited by Gary E. Andrews; 07/20/2409:21 AM.
There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com
So everyone thinks Radio is going to play a AI song , so who's the artist ? Who pays the session players that came up with the riffs ? whats the total investment 5 cents ? If it collects royalties , Who's getting the money ? Lets break it down . Session players $150.00 per player 6 players all live $900.00 . The artist sings it . throw in another $500.00 producer and Atmos mixing , total $1400.00 on a low figure . Robots what 5 cents ? whole song. singer and players are robots . is that accurate ? The only thing that is logical to me . Anyone who uses AI , Does not want to write a melody , does not want to pay session players does not want to sing it. So its 5 cents out the door . Lets talk time, if lyrics were written by AI user, Lets say a week . To produce the AI track , Lets say 10 minutes , pushing a button . lets talk real players . One week for lyrics . to produce track out , sing mix , Lets put it at 3 weeks with lag time. Lets touch on time some more . The artist and session players are spending weeks, months ,and years for a decent melody and tracks . AI user 10 minutes.
In conclusion . Lets think about artists , session players , producers . mix guys that spend years learning and practicing the craft , Humans , Ok now think about ROBOTS.
So everyone thinks Radio is going to play a AI song , so who's the artist ? Who pays the session players that came up with the riffs ? whats the total investment 5 cents ? If it collects royalties , Who's getting the money ? Lets break it down . Session players $150.00 per player 6 players all live $900.00 . The artist sings it . throw in another $500.00 producer and Atmos mixing , total $1400.00 on a low figure . Robots what 5 cents ? whole song. singer and players are robots . is that accurate ? The only thing that is logical to me . Anyone who uses AI , Does not want to write a melody , does not want to pay session players does not want to sing it. So its 5 cents out the door . Lets talk time, if lyrics were written by AI user, Lets say a week . To produce the AI track , Lets say 10 minutes , pushing a button . lets talk real players . One week for lyrics . to produce track out , sing mix , Lets put it at 3 weeks with lag time. Lets touch on time some more . The artist and session players are spending weeks, months ,and years for a decent melody and tracks . AI user 10 minutes.
In conclusion . Lets think about artists , session players , producers . mix guys that spend years learning and practicing the craft , Humans , Ok now think about ROBOTS.
And who will employ policemen and firemen when they are replaced by non humans?
I can imagine how messed up it will be with road robo cops, tickets for everything, cause they wont miss anything. Once the states realize how much money is coming in nobody will care about the human.
i understand your thought, but remember when there was a argument "Pay artists for their work" did anybody care? They stole millions and millions and millions of songs illegally downloading them.
Nobody cares about existential causes like that. Time rolls on, and as Dylan sang, "The times they are a changing"
My feeling is there will be some kind of differentiator in AI, that will allow talent to really shine above non talent.
I think people who got by on three chords may be in for it. Gonna have to get creative with chord progressions and what we write about, trying to be the first one to ever use such and such modulation .
I cant see anything from udio being on the radio right now, it sounds too much like other artists. But im sure there are people with much better mouse traps to work with already who will soon be on the charts. In a sense, alot of pop and dance music has been the same for years anyway. The credit goes to the people pressing the buttons. its always been that way.
Rock n roll has been a different animal, at least till the end of 90's.
but dont make the mistake that because you're emotionally involved with your music, that people will care if you're replaced. Nobody has cared enough to take a stand on any developments that have replaced peoples jobs.
what about Printing companies? My friends dad sent his kid to college on his printing business. Now any idiot can print off computer for free.
When ProTools software came along Bela Fleck, a jazz banjoist of superlative skills, said, "I'm getting better recordings in my living room than I've gotten in 30 years in expensive studios." When computers came along, people used them. When electricity came along, people used it. When string and wind and percussive instruments came along, people used them. When fire... AI. Just another tool. The 'creative' mind will use it, Register their compositions for Copyright, www.copyright.gov , and Register the Title with a Performance Rights Organization (PRO) to collect Songwriting and Publishing Royalties, if any are earned by 'Performance', likely still profitable on terrestrial radio. Others will create with AI to market via Synchronization License, like the current (July 2024) Toyota commercials, playing incessantly on TV. I wonder if AI is part of that particular composition.
There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com
When ProTools software came along Bela Fleck, a jazz banjoist of superlative skills, said, "I'm getting better recordings in my living room than I've gotten in 30 years in expensive studios." When computers came along, people used them. When electricity came along, people used it. When string and wind and percussive instruments came along, people used them. When fire... AI. Just another tool. The 'creative' mind will use it, Register their compositions for Copyright, www.copyright.gov , and Register the Title with a Performance Rights Organization (PRO) to collect Songwriting and Publishing Royalties, if any are earned by 'Performance', likely still profitable on terrestrial radio. Others will create with AI to market via Synchronization License, like the current (July 2024) Toyota commercials, playing incessantly on TV. I wonder if AI is part of that particular composition.
its not clear if anybody owns anything udio or suno puts out beyond the lyrics they enter. Its a gray area right now, but copyright has always been a gray area, and never really meant anyone owned anything. Just meant you filled out a piece of paper for it.
I went to TouTube and watched a couple of AI Music tutorials...
You're not telling the guitar exactly what to play. You're not telling the singer what melody to sing. You're not telling the bass/drums what rhythm you want. You're not telling the backup singer what harmony you want.
You're just describing "what kind" of song you want to a computer, then clicking GO. THAT'S NOT COMPOSITION.
Right now, AI is good for experimenting with arrangements... if you like what it throws at you.
They're promising that it will get better and give you more control... I'll wait.
On a side note; I've definitely heard enough of it now to recognize it when I hear it. The tone is good but the quality is poor...
I went to TouTube and watched a couple of AI Music tutorials...
You're not telling the guitar exactly what to play. You're not telling the singer what melody to sing. You're not telling the bass/drums what rhythm you want. You're not telling the backup singer what harmony you want.
You're just describing "what kind" of song you want to a computer, then clicking GO. THAT'S NOT COMPOSITION.
Right now, AI is good for experimenting with arrangements... if you like what it throws at you.
They're promising that it will get better and give you more control... I'll wait.
but you are the one listening to it, and deciding if its what you want/need/envision, your vision might differ from mine, and yours might grab an audience, whereas mine doesnt (never in a million years)
but it's still up to the user to get out what they need.
so its more than describing what you want, its HEARING what you want. That's where the ear comes in, and why musicians do better than non musicians.
I can listen to 25 takes and not like any of them. Then have to do the same for the pre chorus, chorus or for the bridge, or struggle through the fuckin boring guitar solos.
It's an exercise in creativity, no doubt about it, but also in patience, and just a willingness not to settle, but to actually find what you envision.
If you have no vision going in, it may susrprise you, but it wont be great either
This idea that you just type in a few comments, and everything exists. SOMETHING will exist, but not getting the results you want.
And the prompts are also key, to most its just a prompt typing into, to others, what you type in there is key.
Yes it is , I broke down the summary on AI and Real players , But now I'm being redundant . ROB you Carrol are going to keep using AI . So it really doesn't matter what I pointed out.
let me give a critique of this song, shouldnt be hijacking this.
The rap section of this is really good. The chorus doesnt sing well, its because the lyrics are not cohesive, one case where the grammar of it prevents it from really popping. there will be...there will be no, i think cofuses the ear.
But overall the lyrics say something, they are interesting, i think some of the lines dont really fit the song, they stand out as being disconnected.
but you are the one listening to it, and deciding if its what you want
I can listen to 25 takes and not like any of them. Then have to do the same for the pre chorus, chorus or for the bridge, or struggle through the fuckin boring guitar solos.
Exactly. It's just throwing random, pre-packaged riffs and rhythms at you to choose from. Then, you settle for one. It's like an advanced version of the accompaniment on a Casio keyboard lol... Honestly, it's really not AI. It's just matching the syllables in your lyrics with rhythm patterns.
It will eventually be a very useful tool... when I can tell it exactly what I want.
but you are the one listening to it, and deciding if its what you want/need/envision, your vision might differ from mine, and yours might grab an audience, whereas mine doesnt (never in a million years)
but it's still up to the user to get out what they need.
so its more than describing what you want, its HEARING what you want. That's where the ear comes in, and why musicians do better than non musicians.
I can listen to 25 takes and not like any of them. Then have to do the same for the pre chorus, chorus or for the bridge, or struggle through the fuckin boring guitar solos.
It's an exercise in creativity, no doubt about it, but also in patience, and just a willingness not to settle, but to actually find what you envision.
If you have no vision going in, it may susrprise you, but it wont be great either
This idea that you just type in a few comments, and everything exists. SOMETHING will exist, but not getting the results you want.
And the prompts are also key, to most its just a prompt typing into, to others, what you type in there is key.
This is the AI reality folks
but dont make the mistake that because you're emotionally involved with your music, that people will care if you're replaced. Nobody has cared enough to take a stand on any developments that have replaced peoples jobs.
This statement is as correct as you will ever know...it's called [b][b]"mass indifference"[/b] [/b]
It's irrelevant, today, how proficient anyone is in AI and what it's present capabilities are...everyone is somewhere between birth and our first soiled diaper...tomorrow we might be teething...those who decide to grow with AI IMO are the winners
Last edited by VNORTH2; 07/20/2411:09 AM.
Creators of music have a responsibility to their craft. When they have finished using all the notes and words, they must pass them down to the next generation with a simple request. “Use these to create new music.”...Steven McDonald
but you are the one listening to it, and deciding if its what you want
I can listen to 25 takes and not like any of them. Then have to do the same for the pre chorus, chorus or for the bridge, or struggle through the fuckin boring guitar solos.
Exactly. It's just throwing random, pre-packaged riffs and rhythms at you to choose from. Then, you settle for one. It's like an advanced version of the accompaniment on a Casio keyboard lol... Honestly, it's really not AI. It's just matching the syllables in your lyrics with rhythm patterns.
It will eventually be a very useful tool... when I can tell it exactly what I want.
it starts with having the lyric, at least for my stuff. The lyric informs much of what it does once entered. not all songs from udio are equal, clearly some are better than others
But you do the same thing when you compose. "i like this" "wait, i dont like this" i do it so often its why i never got anything finished. i was super critical and overly.
In reality its hitting on something that you probably would have hit on yourself if given unlimited time to do it.
its a calculator, it does it faster and more efficently.
but you are the one listening to it, and deciding if its what you want/need/envision, your vision might differ from mine, and yours might grab an audience, whereas mine doesnt (never in a million years)
but it's still up to the user to get out what they need.
so its more than describing what you want, its HEARING what you want. That's where the ear comes in, and why musicians do better than non musicians.
I can listen to 25 takes and not like any of them. Then have to do the same for the pre chorus, chorus or for the bridge, or struggle through the fuckin boring guitar solos.
It's an exercise in creativity, no doubt about it, but also in patience, and just a willingness not to settle, but to actually find what you envision.
If you have no vision going in, it may susrprise you, but it wont be great either
This idea that you just type in a few comments, and everything exists. SOMETHING will exist, but not getting the results you want.
And the prompts are also key, to most its just a prompt typing into, to others, what you type in there is key.
This is the AI reality folks
but dont make the mistake that because you're emotionally involved with your music, that people will care if you're replaced. Nobody has cared enough to take a stand on any developments that have replaced peoples jobs.
This statement is as correct as you will ever know...it's called [b][b]"mass indifference"[/b] [/b]
It's irrelevant, today, how proficient anyone is in AI and what it's present capabilities are...everyone is somewhere between birth and our first soiled diaper...tomorrow we might be teething...those who decide to grow with AI IMO are the winners
Not true I love it. guitars are a long way from being replaced. I dont think Ai shines for guitar music, and if you are a blues player, i totally get why youd want to continue doing what you're doing.
thats not going away. And i think evnetually there will be a way for blues guitarists to insert themselves into this AI world
Like Jessie James thought a gun was great ( TOOL ) to rob banks , AI will keep up the tradition and rob session players blind . Robots in masks . A plastic facade to match our Woke society and ME TO . that robot raped me .Narcissistic behavior hiding behind a robot and pushing buttons. Gray areas have always been around to avoid BLACK AND WHITE , Wrong Or Right. You like the wrong ?, We have a gray area for you . Mass crucifixions of session players . We died so your robots can live . Empathy lost for humans in a haze of lies and greed of AI buttons and robots. American Pie plays in the shadows of guitars players . The day the music died.
Hi Gary, I always enjoy getting feedback from you. I think you know that in real life I’m a computer programmer and working with these AI tools is kind of like programming a computer. To a certain level you can actually get these tools to produce what you are looking for. And it’s not just listening to an endless amount of takes and selecting the one you like best. You’re one of the few here who know that. In the future I hope we can get even more control over what these tools do. I agree with everything you wrote here. Thank you once again for your feedback and I hope you doing ok. I enjoyed working with you in the past.
I went to TouTube and watched a couple of AI Music tutorials...
You're not telling the guitar exactly what to play. You're not telling the singer what melody to sing. You're not telling the bass/drums what rhythm you want. You're not telling the backup singer what harmony you want.
You're just describing "what kind" of song you want to a computer, then clicking GO. THAT'S NOT COMPOSITION.
Right now, AI is good for experimenting with arrangements... if you like what it throws at you.
They're promising that it will get better and give you more control... I'll wait.
On a side note; I've definitely heard enough of it now to recognize it when I hear it. The tone is good but the quality is poor...
Hi Tony, it's not quite the way you described it here. I actually recorded this song years ago in my studio. I wrote it with a guy half my age. He recorded the music and he sang the original chorus. He just recently informed me that he stole the hook from the Bad Religion song "Sorrow", which I was not aware of. I wrote the rest of the lyrics but neither one of us could rap. Our original demo sounded really bad. But if you compare it to what Suno did you'll notice that the two versions are not that far apart. My songwriting partner loves this one because you don't notice that the chorus originated from that Bad Religion song. I didn't just describe what I wanted. I wanted a duet and I defined which parts the male and the female vocalists should sing. I know that's not much, but it is more that what you wrote here.
You can actually "program" (via meta-tags) Suno to use your chord progression. It still won't play/sing your melody but these tools will surely evolve over time.
The rap section of this is really good. The chorus doesnt sing well, its because the lyrics are not cohesive, one case where the grammar of it prevents it from really popping. there will be...there will be no, i think cofuses the ear.
But overall the lyrics say something, they are interesting, i think some of the lines dont really fit the song, they stand out as being disconnected.
But it sounds good. pretty good overall
Fdem, thanks for the feedback. "There will be - there will be no" was done on purpose. I wanted to get the listener's attention. They go "this is a bit confusing ... what's this about?" and listen more closely.
Steve, thank you for your feedback. What I personally don't like about this track is the repetition of the bridge with different melodies. I tried getting rid of one with the use of meta-tags but so far I was not successful. From a quality standpoint this is way better than my original recording. So, in the end, Suno allowed me to finish a project I'd been working on for years. As for the lyrics ... yes, as you said, there are many ways they can be interpreted. I'm fine with that.
Sure they do.. AI robots scape all music on the internet , Throw them in data bases... and that's how they Rob every ones music for AI songs for a penny a track , Blues to whatever . If its on the net ...their stealing it. that's how you get a million versions of any song. Millions of data from stolen songs on the net. AI sites cashing in on talentless people . To be a AI star. Genuis idea really .Making millions on wanna be's
The industry has been making money off wanna bes forever.
The home recording boom was for wannabes. Any software that generated music was for wanna bes,band in a box , pro tools, cd makers, cd distribution, , song coaches, books, anything you have seen on any forum for last twenty five years is the result of wanna b being sold the goods.
I get the logic... AI tapped into nobody wants to put the time effort and money to be a musician . Its a genius idea really making millions. They saw the potential market and created a cash cow for their companies. Makes sense as a business man standpoint , leaving out emotional responses from real musicians. The software they created to steal millions of data to create millions of tracks is up there with Henry Ford and the Model T. Sony was outsmarted by nerds , brilliant really. They start you off with paid credits, then hook you on buying more credits for more tracks . A proven sales tactic that has been used for years. As the user see's the results , the emotion button is pushed and more money is poured in . My little song sounds like Pink . Debit cards are updated and wa la . Ka Ching. Kinda like being blasted by ads.. if you buy our makeup , you will look like a super -model. Same concept. Vanity ploys . The user on a physiological level feels more self esteem and importance , and in turn more money is poured in for them feelings . if you take out the ramifications of stolen property , its better then Freud on better self esteem and importance on their little AI songs. A better balance on mental health . if you look at without bias .
Hi Elvis, let me give you another aspect of AI to think about. Recently, I uploaded one of Carroll's lyrics and we got a stunning song from Suno but the recording had one or two minor faults. I then recorded the whole song myself using my instruments. I more or less made a cover song of the AI track and fixed the minor issues I didn't like and I programmed the piano slightly differently. Like Gary said, I guess I could register the song as my song. My song was written by AI but there are no robots in my recording. What would you say, is that an AI song or not?
I was trying to look at AI on more logical viewpoint on what users get out of AI songs , without the bias. I don't know Rob , I'm sure gray areas fall into the using of AI . That's probably better explained by say Rick Beato ,Weaving in a out of all that is going on with AI. My rant was on novice people and why the use AI , not really directed at writers or musicians that for whatever reason use AI instead of paid session players . To inject some humor . I'm installing a camera to watch my fishing pole as I practice for hours on guitar . I can look at phone next to me . Do i have a bite ? As I walk out and see a fire called ridge fire ravage about 1,000 acres , 10 miles away in 105 degree heat. I'm more jazzed playing this (Cowboy chords in a box with 6 strings ) then singing some silly song in a studio at 6pm today.
I was trying to look at AI on more logical viewpoint on what users get out of AI songs , without the bias. I don't know Rob , I'm sure gray areas fall into the using of AI . That's probably better explained by say Rick Beato ,Weaving in a out of all that is going on with AI. My rant was on novice people and why the use AI , not really directed at writers or musicians that for whatever reason use AI instead of paid session players . To inject some humor . I'm installing a camera to watch my fishing pole as I practice for hours on guitar . I can look at phone next to me . Do i have a bite ? As I walk out and see a fire called ridge fire ravage about 1,000 acres , 10 miles away in 105 degree heat.
"My rant was on novice people and why the use AI , not really directed at writers or musicians that for whatever reason use AI instead of paid session players '
Why would somebody who didn't write music or songs pay session players?
If your argument is real musicians are better, ud agree 100%
Been the same as using ez drummer instead of real, or ez piano.
It comes down to practicality and cost.
If you wanted to record 25 songs or two albums with session players your looking at 25k minimum.
For something you have no idea if anyone will like.
The real way to still do it, is play live build a following and then make the album when you know there is interest.
Not providing supply before demand
Meantime you have creative bliss at home with all the toys
Hi Elvis, let me give you another aspect of AI to think about. Recently, I uploaded one of Carroll's lyrics and we got a stunning song from Suno but the recording had one or two minor faults. I then recorded the whole song myself using my instruments. I more or less made a cover song of the AI track and fixed the minor issues I didn't like and I programmed the piano slightly differently. Like Gary said, I guess I could register the song as my song. My song was written by AI but there are no robots in my recording. What would you say, is that an AI song or not?
I'm not sure if you can copyright a typical V-C-V etc structure/arrangement. So, the real question is, did you change the melody... rhythm... chord progression... harmonies...?
Hi Elvis, let me give you another aspect of AI to think about. Recently, I uploaded one of Carroll's lyrics and we got a stunning song from Suno but the recording had one or two minor faults. I then recorded the whole song myself using my instruments. I more or less made a cover song of the AI track and fixed the minor issues I didn't like and I programmed the piano slightly differently. Like Gary said, I guess I could register the song as my song. My song was written by AI but there are no robots in my recording. What would you say, is that an AI song or not?
I'm not sure if you can copyright a typical V-C-V etc arrangement. So, the real question is, did you change the melody... rhythm... harmonies...?
Well they have AI detectors now that will probably be used in schools to prevent papers written by ai.
Not sure how they work, other than check to see if that verbiage is online somewhere.
If they do work well, it would for sure implicate anyone using ai. Then Again , if you say ai was involved in creating this your probably covered.
There is still a lot to be decided.
I'd say use bits and pieces but make it your own.
And the key is in the style of YOU, not The Clash , iee....
I'm still of the opinion that there's really not any "truly original" music left to be created.
AI is proving it.
It has all been reduced to simple math...
Its been that way forever and its sickening how bad the music on radio is right now.
But your right you only have an innovator come around once in a while or an innovative album. Hendrix for sure was one, Van Halen, I think Prince was very innovative, sting.
Whos Next by the who was extremely innovating album, as was alot of their stuff
AI would be VERY USEFUL if it could show you chord progressions/melodies/rhythms that HAVEN'T BEEN USED OR DONE BEFORE.
Yeah, and im not sure if the non musican is able to use the music created by AI. Figuring out the chords off of udio is a kin to figuring them out off the record, which i grew up doing.
But there is hope in your comment. It means, that the future is not written yet, only the past, humans are still a step ahead with creating something NEW. ai probably kicks our ass on whats done already.
But there are possibilities to create completely new genres with AI.
but the key again is the listener, the listener decides what they like, nobody or nothing else
theres no evidence the public is looking for a Jimi Hendrix of Sitar music
("An early version of the circle of fifths has allegedly been around since 600 BC, when Pythagoras is said to have been experimenting with music when he discovered the relationships between pitch frequencies. He came up with the Pythagorean Circle, which is now often considered 'the grandfather' of the circle of fifths.")
Lol... Do the math. The only thing that changes is the sound, the lyrics, and the hair styles.
("An early version of the circle of fifths has allegedly been around since 600 BC, when Pythagoras is said to have been experimenting with music when he discovered the relationships between pitch frequencies. He came up with the Pythagorean Circle, which is now often considered 'the grandfather' of the circle of fifths.")
Lol... Do the math. The only thing that changes is the sound, the lyrics, and the hair styles.
music is very much math, But your heart is what makes it different than anyone else, or anything else like ai.
No matter how u slice it, theres only one Japov (thank God), and whatever you churn out, be it your acoustic ballad at home, or something 100% ai, it still came from you and theres nothing exactly like it.
how different it is is another story. but its about personal expression
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