Originally Posted by Colin Ward
I have only a handful of followers on Twitter but unless I sit and watch it all day long, most of their posts zip by without me ever seeing them. Some seem to post almost continually (I have dumped a couple of followees for that reason).

Am I missing something?

You don't need to see every tweet from everyone you are following (I most certainly don't). Tweets tend to be about the here and now, so there's little point reading them half a day later. It's like attending a party: the point is not to hear every word that is spoken, the point is to join the conversations that you find interesting.

Also, make sure you only follow people that you find interesting. You don't need to reciprocally follow everyone who follows you. I have about 300 people following me, but I'm only following 39 peeps myself.

Jim Offerman ~ inspirational pop music
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