You might also look at the picture from a broader perspective as to where you fit in. While we all would like to find that "Golden nugget artist" and be taken along the ride forever, that doesn't always happen. A career is a constantly evolving thing and there are people that fulfill certain aspects of that career but are not meant to go into different areas.

Every singer has a lot of people that are influencial to them as they go along. Most of those relationships will change and just develop into other things. For those "behind the scenes" sometimes the "next artist" that came about through that first one might be the one that you were meant to work with.

For my own involvement, I am kind of like the beginning personal trainer, when people are starting their journey's. I enjoy getting with someone who is beginning, full of fire and vinegar and sometimes difficult to deal with, and helping them focus and shape what they do, till they go to the next level.

But I have also seen a lot of the industry and there is a lot of that I don't care for. I don't ever want to be the "late night babysitter" that many managers become, dealing with all kinds of problems from getting someone out of jail for drunken conduct, or breakdowns of tour buses, or trying to get a promoter to pay money they feel they don't owe. I don't EVEN want those headaches.

I kind of like my role. I help them out, then kick them on down the road, and usually through those people, other's come along.

And of course if you write really good songs, and prove your worth, that feeds on itself.

So in dealing with artists of any kind, keep an eye on the larger issues. You don't want to stand in anyone's way because you really can't and it just engenders bad feelings. Just try not to get yourself too leveraged out. I have seen people take out multiple mortgages on their houses for "The next big thing" only to be very dissapointed when that artist moves on.

I think the mentor/artist or writer/artist relationship can be a pretty good one. And in this day and age, one of the only ways in the back doors. Just keep your eyes and options open. Stay in good communication and enjoy where it takes you.