If you had to choose between two evils, which would it be?

1. Autotune used Live
2. Lip syncing

Actually, I think I'll withdraw the question. I wouldn't feel good choosing either one, so I'll say "#3": Change the channel or leave the concert.

Are we getting old if we say..."In the OLD days, people used to actually perform their music live"?

I think the "kids" today are so used to lip sync'ed and/or autotuned live gigs, that they don't see it as much different from hearing it on the CD (or the mp3), or watching the MTV video.

I used to love seeing bands live to see how close they could come to the sound on the record, and certain compromises were expected, but the reason I went to see them was to get bowled over by the awesome talent - not to have them perform a perfect concert complements of modern technology.

Just my $.02...