Originally Posted by JaneK
Well, I think I am living my dream even though I am a "nobody". Last year at this time I was still a songwriter in my little home studio with no interactions with other songwriters. Now I have collaborated with others via the web, discuss things with other musicians and have shared my songs with others. That is "success" for me - to come out of my shell and take risks.

I am enjoying this so much and maybe I want more, maybe I will try, most likely the odds are great I might fail. But, if you do not have some hope (of course, as long as you understand the odds) the work involved will get to you and that's it. You will quit!

I battle self confidence issues everyday, but the more I stick my neck out the more I am pleasantly surprised. And I feel more confident about what I am doing with each song I write. Without the help of songwriters forums like this one I would still be just writing songs in my little room for no one to hear but myself. I am so glad I stuck my head out the door!

You have the right attitude. Like I said, those willing to work and bullrush through criticism and roadblocks and with reasonable talent can find successes on their own outside the "industry." But if you want to be the "star" farm animal in the pasteur of fame and media, prepare for the slaughter you're going to endure to get there. If you're truly amazing, you need not worry about professionalism or manners or much of anything, thew sharks will circle you the moment you are able to make the money, and nothing you can do will change that. I suggest ignoring them because if you ARE that talented, build your fanbase and be your own boss. It isn't hard if you start young and build methodically. If you're already post 35, then it's a bit of quandry because though you might be talented enough right now, you have no longevity. It would be like buying an old racehorse or signing a post 35 year old football player to a long term deal... they are only going to get a tiny window of productivity before it falls off. But I know plenty of full time pros outside the system or even on the fringe of it picking and choosing single opportunities here and there to flesh out the rest of their work making a living on their own terms. (Like opening for major acts, signing a song to a movie, that sort of stuff). 5000 fans times $20 bucks a year is a full time living being your own boss. If you can't build that in 5 years, you may not have what you think you have to offer. Most won't put their nose to the grindstone for 6 months, let alone 5 years, but if you do and have reasonable talent, you'll have success on your own terms.


Brian Austin Whitney
Just Plain Folks
Skype: Brian Austin Whitney
Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks

"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney

"It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney

"Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney