Well, I think I am living my dream even though I am a "nobody". Last year at this time I was still a songwriter in my little home studio with no interactions with other songwriters. Now I have collaborated with others via the web, discuss things with other musicians and have shared my songs with others. That is "success" for me - to come out of my shell and take risks.

I am enjoying this so much and maybe I want more, maybe I will try, most likely the odds are great I might fail. But, if you do not have some hope (of course, as long as you understand the odds) the work involved will get to you and that's it. You will quit!

I battle self confidence issues everyday, but the more I stick my neck out the more I am pleasantly surprised. And I feel more confident about what I am doing with each song I write. Without the help of songwriters forums like this one I would still be just writing songs in my little room for no one to hear but myself. I am so glad I stuck my head out the door!