
Your story is what our entire "system" once wanted. They wanted you to work, have a family and kids, get a mortgage so you're risk averse and be content with working and not rocking the boat. That was the old model, it no longer exists.

Now the model is to get kids to go to college via giant student loans, indoctrinate them into completely unthinking, unquestioning victims through certain political viewpoints. Then, once out of school, they have these kids in so much debt they can't leave their parents homes, can't date because you know, toxic masculinity, and the overwhelming propaganda of alternative lifestyles of every ilk that promotes nothing positive and lasting. In its place is unlimited porn for men who stop caring about looking for a wife. Women are taught to hate or be scared of men. So no marriage anymore, no kids and certainly no ability to work more than menial jobs because 90% of degrees teach nothing of use in the real marketplace. The college debt is an anchor around their neck from "growing up" and becoming independent. It is a progressive downturn into oblivion and a slave state of low class low wage workers and the elites. See certain states to see our future everywhere in a decade.

All this right/left propaganda is fake. It is a game elites play on the masses to get them angry at each other so we pay no attention to what they are actually doing. A study has just proven what many already knew, that Fluoride in water decreases the IQ of young children, so with each passing year we get collectively dumber and more docile, much like the farm animals that the elites see us collectively as, right or left, it's all a facade. It's pigs and cows to them. I have seen these people behind the facades and behind the scenes. (and all their actions are theater which mean nothing). Did you know during the last administration they passed a law making false propaganda intended to manipulate people actions 100% legal in the USA? Yep. The admin before that passed the Patriot Act. It's the opposite of what it says it is, as nearly all laws are. The justice system is a farce. It is to protect the haves from the have nots, not the other way around.

In that is the lie that the music industry has always been. An unlimited amount of talent means they will always keep control of things no matter how smart and talented someone is because they will find talent willing to do what they want on terrible terms and at terrible cost to them easily. It's always a race to the bottom among talent, all for a chance to be worshipped by the masses. Whoever they choose they can make famous and though they fail over 90% of the time, once they get a shill to stick, they will be an evergreen making music that creates publishing which has always been where the money really is. Publishing is power. Content that can be monetized, remonetized over and over and long after the creators are dead and gone to the corporate powers, only a handful of entities, who "own" it all, like everything else. Is anyone awake aware that Disney bought Fox? So the left/right are in it together. Always. And forever. It is the elites and all the rest of us.

Life is about elites siphoning %s off the little people at every turn through loans, mortgages, credit cards, taxes. The famous quote by a banker I've forgotten (they're all the same) was "Give me control over a government's money and I care not who they hire to make the laws" and that is a truth people need to wake up to. But to date we collectively have bided our time in a fantasy of our own making. Does anyone realize even after you pay off your property you never own it? NEVER. There are no locales void of property taxes. You always pay money for rent, even after you think you own. States are happy to forgo state taxes, but never forgo property taxes. They collect rent on every single inch of the entire country available to be sold or lived on. And it goes farther. Ever wonder why the Fed Govt controls 80%+ of many Western states? It isn't conservation. It controls where people are funneled. More and more into large urban nightmares where they can tightly control everyone with absurd levels of paramilitary police power and surveillance. These video doorbells? Amazon shares all the footage which they collect from each unit and "store" with police and the highest bidder. That shows not only who comes and goes to your house, but also your neighbors and your street. They are flooding markets with this stuff for a reason.

It is true if you work hard enough, have reasonable talent, and never stop no matter what you'll rise up the ladder in various ways. Few have that staying power. You must take slings and arrows and most of our kids have now been conditioned to be risk averse and to avoid even tiny criticisms at all costs. Watch the news, it is all programming.. fairy tales told to scare and control. And now robot/AI power is replacing most white collar and many blue collar jobs (those that are even left). So all we have are service jobs and most of those are being farmed out overseas. Try any customer service number for most corporations.

So the music industry? People should stop worrying about it. If you're amazing, the leeches will find you. They always do. Instead, focus on making music alone or with your friends and playing for your family and friends and neighbors and community and loving the experience. Focus on listening to music and loving that experience. That is all that should really matter in the first place. Fame is fake. Money can be made doing many things. No need to corrupt the joy of making music with the pursuit of commercial servitude and individual artistic suicide. There's nothing wrong with building your own fanbase and serving them directly. That is artistic freedom and IS under your control entirely. Don't wait for "others" to do it for you.. they don't exist.

But that's just my opinion. I could be right.

Brian Austin Whitney
Just Plain Folks
Skype: Brian Austin Whitney

"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney

"It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney

"Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney