Originally Posted by Marc Barnette

Hey Tech head dude! Great to see you! Glad you chimed in here.

I had been hearing things about SESAC not adding new members a while back but really didn't know that for sure. Have had several friends go over there and have the "speech" of "keep doing what your doing and check back with us.." I think ASCAP and BMI are going to follow suit, and only take people who are doing a lot of things. They all have huge data banks but with so many people who have no activity. And as we all know now, it is harder and harder to get activity. So that is probably the shape of things to come.


I've always felt that they must just want to play the numbers game when dealing with politicians (hey, we have X million members, you better make us happy) plus there's member fees over the years when they collected substantial free money so some people could "play" music industry, which were both smart business moves, but those days are passed and they need to keep up with the times. They're well established with politicians and I have always believed it would mean more if being a member of either actually meant something, ESPECIALLY when it came Publisher members as so many low lifes used the association to impress newbies and make themselve seem more legit when they may never have collected a dime in decades but who have taken advantage of the legitimacy cover to scam newbies in various ways. Time to close up that loophole.


Brian Austin Whitney
Just Plain Folks
Skype: Brian Austin Whitney
Facebook: www.facebook.com/justplainfolks

"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney

"It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney

"Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney