Okay, I'll bite. Actually it is your PRO (SESAC) that is asking YOU, WHAT NEXT?

What are you going to do? How many new upcoming artists are you writing with?
How active are you in your local community?
How many songs are you writing with other people that might have a shot at a record deal?
How many independent cuts are you getting that will make it interesting for THEM to do anything?
How many trips a year are you prepared to make to Nashville, LA, New York, to build relationships?
How many conferences/showcases/industry events, are you making this year? Your competition does that, now your turn.

You see, everyone has the exact WRONG idea about what PRO's, publishers, labels do. They expect there to be some form of "good cut fairy" that floats down and annoints your songs. NOPE.

They are a COLLECTION AGENCY. When you have multiple cuts going on, multiple relationships, tons of activity in multiple areas, they will collect money that your songs earn.
They are not going to make you appointments, pitch your songs, build your catelogue or build your relationships.

Actually most meetings with ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, all begin with them asking "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?"

You've gotten in the door. Now you have to do market research, you have to get in on ground floors, you have to create your own niche, marketplace and motivate other people to do things for you. If they see a lot of promise, movement on your part, working with people THEY know and respect, they will help you more. Until then, you will be like pretty much everyone who are members of any of these organizations, numbers in a data base.

You got in the door. Congratulations. Now YOU have to do the actual work. And the door doesn't stay open for long. Out of site and out of mind. Brings up my usual greeting in Nashville:

"Hi, I'm Marc-Alan Barnette. Who did you USED to be with?"

The biggest thing you have to be aware of with joining any PRO are getting run over by the people LEAVING that PRO thinking one of the OTHER ONES will be BETTER THAN THEIRS. They're pretty much all the same.

Go meet your rep face to face. Get into the game and work your butt off all the time. You got through the easy part.